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BB3: AR- Week 5

That's it for help in my posts. I know, you're all sad, but others didn't even realise it. So I guess that evens it out? Regardless, Bsdegrassi was evicted unanimously, so I'm guessing they weren't too popular in the house. Seeing as there are 9 people remaining in the house, I'm going to find a way to get the mystery box opened faster, possibly give 2 keys for HoH winner, and 1 for veto. Key lottery, etc...there are a lot of possibilities. The HoH last week was hard, I admit, and this week's will be easier, as soon as I figure out a suitable topic. I'm trying not to resort to using my Crime Detective (on the Law and Order: SVU thread) idea for an HoH, although it would be a really cool HoH. So I'm probably going to do some form of mental challenge (like Mr. Smith likes cheese, but does not like Hamburgers, Mrs. Smith eats what the person beside Mr. Smith does not like). Other than that, it was a pretty uneventful week- Dvaughn17 and matthewv1 were going at it on the threads (jokingly), and that's about all that happend this week. That's it for now, good luck this week- and enjoy your time in the house.

BB3: AR- Week 4

Finally, an eviction! Nothing interesting happened this week, and there is little to mention. It was a fast week with very easy challenges. This week will contain some difficult challenges, so I hope you enjoy it! That's it for now, good luck with the challenge!

BB3: AR- Week 3

Well, we ALMOST had an eviction ceremony this week. Although it wasn't due to eviction, it was because Matthewv1 and Survivorwinner were, infact, the same person. Because of this, I decided to evict Survivorwinner. The competitions this week had to deal with human anatomy, which I felt to be quite a challenging topic, and I was correct. This week should consist of easier questions, hopefully. The HoH competition was indended to make rivalries and controversy in the house, which I think it did to a certain #5=E extent. Although I'm not too sure of how the power within the house is shifting. I've updated my inactivity policy, to actually get an eviction in the future. That's it for now, good luck to everyone in this upcoming week!

BB3: AR- Week 2

It's the end of the second week, and there has been yet another forced eviction. This annoyed me, because everyone wants to play a game, and I also want to play a game (and actually get to an eviction). The previous HoH will be able to compete in this HoH competition, which might put a target on them. I understand this, but the forced eviction is beyond my control. I decided to add a little twist to this weeks HoH. Firstly, the questions are very hard. Secondly, I sent one question each to only half of the house. Hopefully, this will cause some controversy amongst the house, some lies and deceit. There aren't many clues I can add this week, except that all the questions have to do with bones and muscles. Hopefully that will help you sort out fake questions/answers. That's it for now, have fun with this HoH, you'll need it.

BB3: AR- Day 9

This will be the last time-lagged veto, seeing as they take way too long to do. I've only received a few of the veto answers at this time, and I hope to send out the second part later today. I'm already planning the future competition questions, to make it less stressful on me to think up questions. This way my body will be ready to handle the next HoH. That's it for now, good luck on the veto!

BB3: AR- Day 8

Matthewv1 won HoH. That's all that happened today. The veto will be sent out tomorrow. I remember the pre-game board. That was fun. That's it for now, good luck on tomorrow's Veto!

BB3: AR- Day 7

I just put up the Diary Room and HoH questions. I think this week is way easier than last week's HoH, which is why I was forced to include 4 tiebreaker questions. Personally, I am expecting perfect on all the regular questions, as well as the first tiebreaker question. Although I have high expectations, they can be easily met. Depending on people's answers to the Diary Room, the HoH tiebreaker will vary. I just hope people red their Diary Room questions carefully. Just to assist those that are reading this, my favourite number is the month that I was born in. It's also my lucky number, which serves me well. The house has finally calmed down with their arguments, so it should be a fun week. I don't have a big twist planned for this week, the mystery box was pretty much it. It's good to ally yourself with a person who has a lot of keys, because you never know if you might be able to trade keys in the near future. That's it for now, good luck on the HoH, and have a great week!

BB3: AR- Day 6

Nothing really happened today. GGRox (with a great display of grammer, I might add), quit on me. Good riddance I say! That's it for now, look forward to an action-packed today tomorrow!

BB3: AR- Day 5

So the veto has been made. It's a hurt/heal, where people can allocate three points to either "hurting" or "healing" another houseguest. When a player reaches 0, they are no longer able to be healed. The person with the highest amount of points will win the Golden Power of Veto. I made this veto so it's not based on knowledge, like the previous HoH competitions. It is a nice break from the tough competition. That's it for now, good luck on the veto everyone!

BB3: AR- Day 4

Dvaughn17 is the first HoH in BB3:AR. Congratulations go to him and his team for winning. Unfortunately, many did not participate in this competition, and were all issued penalty points. The_AG sent her entry in a few minutes late, so I decided not to give her any penalty points. Due to this inactivity, the game might possibly be cancelled, but only as a last resort. That's it for today, good luck everyone!
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