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BB3: AR- Day 3

The teams have been picked, and Smomma has been evicted. Although evicted, Smomma will serve a special purpose in the house, which will be revealed at a later date. As some people might notice, I made the questions a little easier than normal. This is to force pressure on both team leaders in the event of a tie (which is very likely), causing pressure on the team. As many might not know, there are no rules to this HoH. With everything in mind, the easy questions will yield high results. I chose to do a competition involving many aspects of my life. None of them are exactly what I do, they were forced to be harder to give teams things to think about. There really isn't much left to say today, other than good luck to both teams, and I wish you the best of luck! This twist went off really well, which means I can have crazy twists like this in the future!

BB3:AR- Day 2

I just revealed the new twist of dividing the house into two teams. There is a lot of strategy involved here, but it is copied exactly from Survivor. This could cause the house to be divided into two early on in the game, or for a lot of smaller subdivisions. Only time will tell on this, but it will be very interesting to watch it unfold. Unfortunately, I was forced to give penalty points to people for not participating in the HoH. I decided to only make it .5 penalty points, because they might have simply forgotten that the game began on January 3. If they do not compete again in the veto competition, they will have already used up half of their penalty points. There are currently 12 active houseguests, which is decent for a season. I couldn't get the full 20, so I was forced to completely rearrange most of the twists. I have all the twists written down and saved on my computer. This way all the twists will be unbiased in their results. A twist a week will vary the game up entirely. I just hope everyone doesn't rebel against me for it :P. I also noticed that two players had the exact same tiebreaker answer, which is a complete coincidence seeing as it could be a varying result. The answer was $7.00 (three toonies and a loonie). These two players also had very similar answers (both the same amount correct). Just a reminder- if two players are found to be the same user, both houseguests will be promptly removed from the game without exception. I'm not too sure of Srrvr's whole "gladys is modesty". I have a feeling it is his way of slandering both players that he has competed against and had a rivalry with, in order to get them both evicted early. I discourage players from reading the spectator thread, as it is mostly Srrvr bashing the game, or someone on Srrvr's account, since he claimed to leave. Although I can't control if you read the thread or not, I'm worried that it will influence you to follow Srrvr's viewpoints, which can lead to lying and deceit (the way he loves to play). That's it for now, good luck selecting teams everyone!

BB3: AR Begins

Today marks the start of Big Brother 3: Alternate Reality. The cast looks promising, so I think it will be a good season. In my blogs I'll be posting subtle hints as to upcoming events, but nothing that will reveal them too quickly. The first HoH competition has been released, and it's purposely hard. There is a reason behind it....THE FIRST TWIST!! After the HoH competition is over, the first twist will be revealed. Many people might not like this twist, but I feel that the twist will shape and break many alliances, as well as cause people to turn against each other. The HoH has to do with Canada, and since I AM a Canadian, I felt it would be a great way to share my culture with the others. Future HoH's will be hard, making them depend more on the knowledge/research ability of the contestant, and not on the luckiness of guessing at the tiebreaker. That's it for now, I hope everyone does well on the HoH, and I also hope I don't get flooded with all the entries at the same time :P.
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