@always_explicit: Was that a Dora The Explorer reference?
PiscesAnimeGirl's forum posts
Do you guys think weed should be legal or not? I say no. I don't like drugs and alcohol and will never use them. Personally I don't see why people use drugs anyways. They should stay illegal. If you're gonna spend money, spend on something worthwhile like a hobby or something. I don't even believe in medical marijuana. That's just an excuse to use it to me. But weed is gonna become legal anyways. Ugh I can see the destruction now
@always_explicit: That's what everyone says LOL! You gotta hold your own in an argument these days. Especially when dealing with trolls -_-
@THE_DRUGGIE: Ok now that I can understand. I was referring to people who basically talk about nonsense like partying and drugs
@always_explicit: You do realize I was expressing my opinion on a post you VOLUNTARILY clicked on. Evidently my post offended you if you had the guts to post that. You didn't HAVE to read this. Did I put a gun to your head and make you read this? No. You chose to read this. So who's the loser here? You are. If you dislike this topic, why are you here? Go away and crawl back into your cage
We've all dealt with rude people right? Hell sometimes we have to put up with them everyday? But what kind of rudeness do you particularly hate the most? I hate people who talk/text on the phone very loud in public and then you tell them to shut up, they have the nerve to curse you out. Seriously? I also hate people who are sexist/racist and show it boldly. Dude you do realize people will kill you over stuff like that right? I can't stand ghetto people either. But my biggest pet peeve is people who confuse opinions and facts. They think their opinions are facts and vice-versa. Get real!
For all of you Disney fans out there, here's a nice topic. Who is your favorite Disney Princess or Heroine? My favorite is Mulan because she's a soldier and a warrior. I also like how she defies tradition and goes her own way. I also like Tiana, Jasmine, Pocahontas, Esmeralda, Meg, and Kida
Out of all the consoles in the PlayStation family, which one is your favorite? I like the PlayStation 2 without a doubt. I also like the PlayStation 3.
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