@96augment You're the type of person who actually enjoys video games. I'm not saying Skyrim is the worst piece of garbage but it gets an undeserving amount of praise for something its not. I wouldn't even say its half as good as Dark Souls. But the casuals will be casual and the casuals will follow the flow and play what everyone is playing. Let me also mention the combat is terribad and very clunky almost to the point where it shouldn't exist. If there wasn't combat it wouldn't be a game now would it? Exploration is one thing I liked but a lot of didn't give you a good feeling to find. Just felt like another place with more of the same stuff.
@96augment Copy pasted landscapes, large world that had a lot of empty space where you walked from point to point, skeleton dungeons for miles and all used a similar style. Dragon fights are too easy. Every single quest, every single one is a fetch quest. Every damn quest is go from point A, get an item, and come back. You can't argue this, every single quest is a fetch quest. The story telling wasn't even half as good as Morrowind. There's a lot of stuff in it thats put in there for the sake of saying theres a lot of $#it in this game. More bugs than an ant farm but these bugs bother me less than the other stuff I've mentioned. Tons of overpriced DLC, DLC is a terrible terrible thing.
@1valiantknight @GamerCents I love a good story of course but like I said earlier, in a game like Mario Galaxy 2, there's almost no story but the game keeps you playing no matter what. This is at least true for me when I played it. It just goes to show a game doesn't need a story to be good. A game that plays like a game rather than a book or movie is what games should be. Also, if you really did read every book in Skyrim then you might want to have yourself checked for autism because that's borderline Minecraft level autism right there.
@jayjay444 @GamerCents I said the gameplay is perfect not the game itself. Everything about the game is balanced or becomes balanced. The online is buggy though.
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