@remieres I don't think you understand the idea of fun. Diablo 3 is a loot based game. All of the fun comes from that thrill of finding something new and better than what you have. Finding better stuff and watching your player change helps ward off repetition and makes the player strive for that extra bit thinking something better will drop at any moment.
If you take that away, then all your left with is mindless killing, with the only break being going back to town to sell all you have. If you think that's better than what they made here, then I guess I can't really argue with that.
@Accuracy158 How is it dumbed down? If anything, the PC version is the dumbed down version, since you can just buy the best items destroying any challenge the game wanted to present. PC Elitists, heads so far up their asses they can't see a good thing right in front of them.
@billlabowski PC gaming is dead. I"ll be over here playing The Last of US, Red Dead, and GTA V while you wait for your shitty action house to be destroyed so you can finally enjoy your game proper haha.
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