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Beta Blowout

SOOOOO!!!!!!! were YOU at the beta blowout party that FASA held on Monday April 30th

If you were...........THEN FREAKING TELL US ABOUT IT!!!!! I WANT TO KNOW!!!!!!!

*ahem*   yes... i heard it would be really good........I AM CRZY!!!! MWAHAHAHHAHAAHHAAHAHAHAH ;)


State Wars

Yes State Wars  NOT STAR WARS (Star Wars rules). IT is a giant inline hockey tournement that takes teams from all across the nation and they all compete for the gold medal. It is divided up by birth years (93's, 92's, 89's....) So i am on the Virginia 93 team. The tournement takes place in Chicago (i think) and its really cool to see people from all across America (and compete against them)

You gotta see this

WHAT TIME IS IT...........ADVENTURE TIME!!!!!!!   Adventure time is a short video that is so random its awesome!!!!!

uhhh look!!!! those ninjas are stealing that old man's diamonds!

Mathematical...Rhombus ya!!!


heres the link 


I've been pretty busy with my flash animations (not that there any good (thats why i'm using sprites now) ) so i haven't really had time to post some more blog things....FLASH RULES!!!!!!


.....although i have always considered my gaming computer totally awesome there has always been one bad thing. I DONT HAVE INTERNET FOR MY GAMING COMPUTER. So i never get to play multiplayer :( oh well at least i have xbox live for my 360.


i really need to get internet for my computer. 

I love this game!







GUITAR HERO!!!!!! That game is really really fun to play....and also really addicting :WARNING: Playing guitar hero will not make you a guitar hero! Please do not try and stop crimes with only your guitar controller (also playing this game will not give you superpowers and or make you a rockstar)

Easter time (oh and i'm back!)

YO im bak and it looks like its EASTER TIME!!!!!! yum! so where are all those chocolatte bunnies........THERE YOU ARE!!! aslkhdglksahglk;askhg?????? ...............*cheesy australian accent* I rastled the rare choco bunny into submission. Boy he put up a good fight but in the end i bested the little bugga! HAPPY EASTER EVERYONE AND TO ALL A GOOD NIGHT (wait....thats christmas!)


Finnally i think im getting the hang of the picture controls! Well i just uploaded this awesome picture of a covenant elite (notice the freaking awesome four mandibles). I tried finding a cool picture of a black spec ops elite but its really hard to find a pic of them. I had found one like two year ago but i don't remember which site it was. Well now i'm going to try and see if i can change my banner to somthing Guild Wars. Or if that doesn't work out then somthing shadow run! Oh and also tomorrow i'm leaving for florida to go on a cruise and i wont be back for a week! BYE

Spring break

SPRING BREAK IS FINNALLY HERE!!!!!!! that means only seven more weeks till school ends (not including weekends)

Well on sunday iam going on a cruise to......well i dont really know. I cant remember where i'm going because i've been on so many of them before. To alaska, to new england, the bahamas, the carribian, mexico. I mean where else (other than Europe) is there to go????

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