Playstation00's forum posts
[QUOTE="Mudig"]It's not really a good thing at all. Nobody should be happy to see one of the companies or consoles go out like this.Playstation00
It's not really a good thing at all. Nobody should be happy to see one of the companies or consoles go out like this.Mudig
[QUOTE="Playstation00"]People do want it. Its just the price is scaring a lot of people away.mjarantilla
All that means is that the PS3's value is much less than the $500-600 asking price.
Not so much value as it is the competition is stealing its thunder. Hopefully that changes soon.
Zelda does not need a leveling system. Keep it as it is. What needs to be added is voices for the characters, orchestrated soundtrack, or atleast something new. I don't want them to make such a big hyrule because in TP, you spent your time teleporting from place to place.GunnerVIII
Do not get carried away with wanting to see voiced characters in Zelda games anytime soon. Theres a reason Mario speaks in his games, yet Link does not speak in his. Nintendo theoretically could make him talk though as most fans have an idea of how he would sound through his sounds he makes while attacking for example.
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