"Begun the process of re-evaluating how such additional game content is delivered in the future," - Easy fix, just give all the dlc on disc out for free and give people back their money for previous purchases of dlc. Recently released games and all future games, and you're back in the good books.
Normally i'd get mad and bash them for going back on their word. But i just don't care. I don't give a damn about EA and Dice anymore. Gaming aint what it use to be. :P
"If BioWare does change the end of Mass Effect 3 in order to mollify a handful of goading voices." Sure.. if you call the 39133 people who wanted a different ending a handful (From the poll on bioware forums.) They are right though, despite how lazy and poor an ending it was bioware don't really have to do a thing, they've got customers money and that's all that matters.
I've got it! BioWare make a new game in which you play as Jennifer Hepler fighting against a horde of angry gamers! The possibility of a deep, rich, romantic story here is overwhelming. Oh, and you can have a button that lets you skip all the gameplay aspects as well!
I love PC gaming. Right, i'm off... gonna go play some games... on my PC... which i love (Not the PC, that would be weird). Did i mention i love PC gaming?
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