Philly is getting manhandled, not just in goals either. They look like they came into this game with no momentum or energy.
Plzhelpmelearn's forum posts
Holy Smokes, it looks like Philly has been on PK for the entire game so far based on how much time Chicago has spent in their zone. I think it said 7-1 in scoring chances so far...
I think it is more of a commentary on the state of the economy and the quality of music than of music pirating...
GS USERNAME: Plzhelpmelearn
360 GAMERTAG:elaficionado
REGION: New York? USA?
SWEARING LEVEL:Moderate (I ******* think so anyway)
I'm up for a game of anything really.
A couple things...
Yes if you throw an entire species into a situation in which they will die almost instantly then they will not evolve. That is not the case that evolution makes and also is the reason so many species have faced extinction (see: Dinosaurs)
While I do know a few atheists, most people who claim to be atheists are agnostic. They call themselves atheist because they don't believe in the Judeo-Christian God or the God of islam. I personally think that there was probably a creator or a creating force, but whether or not this individual is a "god" in the sense that most of us understand it, I highly doubt.
C'mon... you don't think Microsoft Bob was a piece of art?!?I think of Gates as more of the competitive businessman. He isn't someone who knows how to create big things himself, but he's good at taking the achievements of others and packaging them into a marketable product. He's good at pushing that product.
Steve Jobs I've always thought of as a more artistic type. I remember seeing him interviewed in the '90s about the design of the Apple II. He went into great detail about the use of space inside of the unit, and he spoke of the placement of components in clearly artistic terms. It was like a canvas for him. He merged the technical and creative in ways I hadn't really considered myself.
In other words, I don't believe they are directly comparable, at least not in the context of the question, i.e. "visionary/smarter".
Was the girl the one doing those really REALLY deep growls? I have a hard time believing that. If it is true she makes Tim Lambesis (from As I lay Dying) look like a freakin opera singer
If it's an accident....why blame BP? Accidents do matter the care.[QUOTE="LJS9502_basic"][QUOTE="coolbeans90"]
I'm sorry, but the only party worth mentioning with regards to causing the oil spill is BP. The either the current or previous administration for an unforeseeable accident is patently ridiculous. I doubt that BP criminally violated the law. They should of course pay for all damages caused by the incident. I really don't think that there need be more discussion on the topic.
Define "blame." They certainly should pay for the damages as they did cause the spill. Accidents do happen, but people are responsible for the damages caused by their accidents.
I don't think anyone would argue that BP is responsible for the damages caused.
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