Guess what? The tri-Ace demo is running on xbox 360! But the problem is the tri-Ace demo is using all the power and RAM of the xbox 360 that it has nothing left.
The point is you may yet see all this in real -time for the PS4.
@danusty -->"go back to PS1, Id go back to it, FF9, tales of destiny, breath of fire 4, SF alpha 3, MK trilogy (photo realistic), the list goes on and on are all great games even by today's standards. go back to the snes, we have chrono trigger, FF6, FF4, breath of fire 1 and 2, secret of mana, to name a few, I love me those fake sprite graphics. go back to the nes, SMB 3, FF, dragon warrior 4, crystalis, river city ransom, double dragon 2, life force, to name a few, I freaking love those games."<--
.... Wow. Didn't thought I was talking to an experienced player, who knew his stuff. Nice to know there is still people who likes JRPGs. So what do you think of Pandora's Tower and Resonance of Fate? I don't know what they are like.
-->"if you want to challenge michaek bay's photo realistic giant robot movie with aweful story, challenge him by making another photo realistic giant robot movie but this time use a good story. "<--
Long story, but the only way that is going to happen is if, A, The studio sees how populer the giabt robot name is. Or B, a big name director makes along and makes a movie out of it.
Because Michael Bay ran with it all the way to the ground, to the point where no one was excited for another giabt robot movie, the chances for a Giant robot movie (like Gundam, Macross, Eva, Zone of the Enders, MGS, FLCL etc.) goes down drastically.
Ridley Scott and James Cameron were working on an idea for "alien 5", but when they heard of AVP: Alien vs. Predator, they were turned-off in making another alien:
But if Prometheus does well, then it may get them excited to make "alien 5".
Right now, most people see giant robots as just being silly. So the way I see it, it's just better to wait for a Photorealistic giant robots game, instead.
@Gazz64 Can Crash Banidicoot do the same thing as Minecraft, Red Faction Guerrilla, From Dust, Assassin's Creed, Fracture, Half-Life 2, PS3's MAG, Hydrophobia, or Alone In The Dark can do? These are games that needed the current Hardware to work, and there are going to be games for the PS4/720 that are impossible to do in the current generation.
@danusty Your post makes me want to say vulgar things at you.
I got one better: Why not destroy your PS2, and go play on the PS1, Hmm? Or go back to SNES? Or NES? Or even Atari 2600? Everything will look much more 'Fake' then.
Also, why do you even bother telling us that? Don't you have enough Systems with 'fake' looking games? You have, and this is off the top of my head, PSN, Xbox Live, iphone, DS, PSP, 3DS, Vita, PS2, PS1, PC, Indie games, and all those mods by fans. Why would you even give a damn if people want Avatar graphics? Why are you acting like we need to go back to our caves, like a Neanderthal, instead of going into the future?
Do you know why that awful Michael Bay's Transformers became so populer? It's because it was the first time we were going to see Photorealistic giant robots, that's all. Everything else, was garbage. But because that awful Directer, Michael Bay, got to be the first one to show Giant Photorealistic Robots, he is treated like some great storyteller, and better Giant Robots stories will never be told, because Michael Bay was the first.
I would like for us to someday make a great giant robot story, with Photorealistic graphics, and show everybody just how awful Michael Bay is. But that will never happen unless we step toe to toe with Hollywood Best CGI.
And you don't care for games looking real. So what? what about the rest of us? Why should we hold back technology because you want to stay in the past?
(Not that there is many people reading this right now, So I'm going to have to post this video again, soon.)
Let me show you the tri-Ace Technical Demo:
This demo is running in the Xbox 360. Amazing, no? BUT the problem is that it uses ALL 512MB of RAM! There is no space for anything else what-so-ever.
The point I'm making is: if they can do all that with just 512MB of RAM on 7 year old hardware, just imagine what they can do with 10GB of RAM on the PS4!
I was going to make a big post about how good games will be, then show some more tech demos, and pre-rendered videos to give an idea of what we'll get.... but I don't have the time, and I'm too lazy.
So, instead, I'm going to show you a gallery of zbrush's best, and I want you to know that games could look this good on the PS4:
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