While I think that equipment is pretty neat, it doesn't seem like it requires an entire button. The four main face buttons have always been used for things that you can always do(jump,reload,switch weapons,melee), if you don't have a piece of equipment the X button just sits there, completely useless.
Instead of this, Bungie should have made the X button a way to swap weapons with your teammates. This would be far better improvement to halos gameplay than the addition of equipment. I believe that equipment would work just as well if to launch it you pressed the 2 bumper buttons at once. Although its too late now, I think this would have reduced a little of the frustration when somebody kills you because you took the weapon they wanted.
It wouldn't be very hard to do, simply have one person hold down the X button, then when another teammate gets in range have them hold it down also. The symbol over a players head could temporarily change to one that represents the X button being held down in preparation for a switch. I know that now it is too late but still...
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