Oh please, Don't talk about that map. :(^ Yeah, exactly.
There's nothing like the feeling of taking that Chenghou Project hairpin turn cleanly on phantom speed.
PolarBear_88's forum posts
I would but I suck at the game and I'm watching the Tostistos Bowl game right now.Anyone here have WipEout HD?
Looking for people to race.
[QUOTE="PolarBear_88"][QUOTE="LightR"]*reflexes I'm on PS3 so I can't edit. It lied, it doesn't do everything! :PLightRLOL, I think I have better reflexes than you do since I have been playing racing games all my life. Maybe. I just have a hard time believing that though. Believe what you want but we should have a race sometime online and we will see who is victorious. Just let me have some time to get to know the maps better.
*reflexes I'm on PS3 so I can't edit. It lied, it doesn't do everything! :PLightRLOL, I think I have better reflexes than you do since I have been playing racing games all my life.
I got Motorstorm: PR almost a year ago. Great game, but frustrating as hell in later levels. Only game that pisses me off more than MW 2. I broke a controller ( glue fixed it ) because of it. You'll race for 12 minutes, be in first and come around the last turn and flip. If you screw up once in those races you can't win.LightRI played the first motorstorm to death and love the game. I'm very good with racing games because of my abilities to react quickly to the screen. :)
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