Depending on how they'd expand the melee combat and powers, it could be a plus.
Poncho_Hachacha's forum posts
As far as rpgs go, the Y's games are all pretty good. Brave Story: New Traveler and Popolocrois were pretty fun as well. Also Tomb Raider Anniversary and Wipeout Pulse were amazing too if you haven't played them yet.
Jade Empire
Parasite Eve (a true sequel)
Jet Set Radio
Castlevania SotN-style
Crimson Skies
If those series' came back I'd be happier than a mofo.
I have to agree with tc. The way you find the gov't worker at the train station seemed kindarandom. Even the final confrontation with Jack and the gov't guy came across flat. More emotion and/or better dialogue would've helped a lot imo. Luckily for me it started raining shortly before I got to the last part which gave the scene a little extra umph. All in all though, it did feel a little tacked on.
i can give you one simple reason that ME3 is silly - it is dumbed down futher for shooter players to get in.
This and only this. Sure a few of those issues were around in the first game, but the writing and attenion to detail for the main plot has gotten lazier and lazier as the series progressed, aiming more for blockbuster action flick style badassery than a well thought out and air tight story.
The GBA ones are all better than Symphony of the Night.
But that's just me.
I think the case can def be made for Circle of the Moon and Aria of Sorrow. But for Harmony of Dissonance? I thought that was easily the worst SotN style Castlevania to date. I wanted to like it, but it just felt really uninspired to me compared to the others.
I didn't dislike Harmony, but it just wasn't there somehow. The story was pretty good, but(as shallow as I'm sure this sounds) the graphics where really blocky and unattractive, even compared to it's predecessor. The magic system was a nice touch, but it couldn't save the experience for me. Harmony is still the only 2D Castlevania since Symphony that I've only beaten once.Same. It's not a bad game, but it def didn't live up to my expectations for the series.
Just so that people understand, when I said HOD, I didn't mean Dissonance at all, but Despair, which is a lot of fun to play with friends on XBox Live. It was fun going through all the stages and finding the best loot possible. :)
I got it. I was just interested in hearing what El_Zo1212o's thought of Harmony of Dissonance. No need to worry.
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