User scores usually aren't very important to me at all unless it's a downloadable game. Then I'll actually compare scores side-by-side to see who generally liked what more.
Poncho_Hachacha's forum posts
[QUOTE="El_Zo1212o"]All time: Aria of Sorrow 2. Harmony of Despair(too much awesome in one game, plus they redrew Julius's dreadful running animation from DofS) 3. Dawn of Sorrow 4. Symphony of the Night 5. Circle of the Moon Hopefully Mirror of Fate will be good enough to bump C of the M off this list. GreekGameManiac
The GBA ones are all better than Symphony of the Night.
But that's just me.
I think the case can def be made for Circle of the Moon and Aria of Sorrow. But for Harmony of Dissonance? I thought that was easily the worst SotN style Castlevania to date. I wanted to like it, but it just felt really uninspired to me compared to the others.
1. Circle of the Moon
2. Symphony of the Night
3. Dawn of Sorrow
4. Portrait of Ruin
5. Aria of Sorrow
I never played the pre SotN games when they were new and to me they just feel really outdated by today's standards so those are my favs.
Specs wise. They said its comparable to 360 and going off what several developers are saying it isn't. I thought UMVC3 and Mortal Kombat just looked shoddy because they were rushed to cash in on early months but it sounds like its more to do with limitations. If it can't handle Rising and the NFS developer is making the same claim about Vita (it isn't as powerful as Sony made out) they have lied. But does this really come as surprising.
With PS2 they were controlling leaks telling the press PS2 had graphics on par with Toy Story. Microsoft then used that angle to hype Xbox. With PS3 we all know about the infamous Killzone trailer. They also said that the competition will not be able to surpass PS3 visuals and yet Wii U is pretty much confirmed to be able to produce better graphics. So does this Vita news really come as a surprise to people?
I know Sony tends to exaggerate the power of their systems, but I don't think they ever said it was going to be as powerful as the 360. They said it had as much ram as the 360, which I believe is true, and then fanboys went crazy and started saying that it was going to be as powerful as or more powerful than the 360 becase of it's quad core processor and all sorts of nonsense.
Pains me to say it, but probably Mass EffectRR360DD
I'd have to agree. The main missions were great imo, but the whole "copy and paste" level design of the side missions was pretty bad.
Probably the final boss of the colosseum tournament in Jade Empire. I can't remember how long it took me to beat him but it had to be going on 2 hours.
I disagree. I think the biggest issue is how focused the world is or how well it's structured. If it's big just for the sake of being big and their isn't much balance to the environment and how the main story missions and side quests are setup, then, yeah, it can become overwhelming. Just Cause 2 is a good example of that kind of game for me. Really huge world, lots of stuff to do, but the structure of the game seemed a little loose to me and I never bothered with the main quest. I had fun with the 20 hours of it I played and even though I only got past like 7 or 8 story missions in all that time, I didn't feel like it was the size of the world that kept me from beating as much as their just not being much incentive to finish the story vs just causing mayhem everywhere.
Depends on the developer. Killzone makes COD look like crap. Uncharted and AC look fantastic.
What he said. The only disappointing thing for me is that none of its best games run at its native resolution. Its not a huge problem, but its still inexcusable for a gamng handhekd. People that thought the vita's games would look exactly as good as the ps3/360 were just out of touch with reality.
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