[QUOTE="Ineedtofindyou"][QUOTE="Donkey_Puncher"][QUOTE="Ineedtofindyou"]muslims,jews,buhdists,sihks, and hindus died for what they beleived in, are they all right?[QUOTE="cory4513"][QUOTE="IIRubenII"]What I'm trying to figure out, is how can people over 2000 years be wrong? There are people's lives on the line for this very topic. Romans persecuted Protestants over the strict rule of men's traditions. One poster said, science and God don't contradict each other, they go hand in hand. Just like each gift a person has to elevate Jesus compliments each other's gift. There are arguments that one disciple is contradictory to another, but if read in context, the Bible doesn't contradict itself, it compliments itself. For in the end, all must bow down before the Holy Lamb and every mouth will be accountable for what he or she said...then only then will truth finally be revealed and all will see the reality of conscience. I bet even the angels are watching us, and when one denies the Higher power above, they turn and see Jesus and say..."These people are ignorant, we're watching you right now Lord, you're in our very presence and here these people are denying you..."caseypayne69
The wage of sin is death. The stndard is the 10 commandments. We've broken them, as did everyone else with those various beliefs. God will not send a liar, a thief, a blasphamer, an adulterer or a murderer to Heaven.
Try to ask for forgiveness in a court of law.
"Your honor, I'm sorry for the crimes I've commited, but you can let me go can't you? ...lol?"
"It's because I'm a good judge that I will judge you in righteousness and because of that, you must pay your fine in prison for life."
In this way, all are guilty of sin and no man is without excuse, for God has written the laws upon Man's heart. The debt of sin is death. We all deserve to go to Hell, despite our beliefs and religious practices.
Who will pay the fine for all of humanity? Who can redeem us through one's own bloodshed? None other than Jesus Christ.
Without that fine paid through acceptance of the Messiah, repentence and redemption from Sin and a born-again soul, one cannot find pasture, if you will.
If God is omnibenevolent, then why couldn't everyone go to heaven? If he was he would save everyone. Or for another question, why should someone serve an infinite punishment for a finite crime?
Doesn't sound very just to me.
A loving and omnipotent God doesn't send anyone to Hell. it's those who deny him and would rather live in their sin that plan their fate in eternal damnation.
About the finite crime, if you commit murder, you'll be known as a murderer for the rest of your life and then some. The crimes make us into the commiting, and commiting those crimes makes us criminals.
God will judge us for being liars, theives, adulterers, covetors, murderers, blaspahamers and idolators. Even if you steal once, you're still a thief and by our own human nature, we'll repeat these actions until we leave our sinful bodies.
And if you lusted in your heart or mind. You've sinned. If you've thought about murdering someone and thought about it visially and emotionally then you have sinned. God judges us on more then physic actions.
But the funny thing is, even Hitler could have entered into Heaven if he trully confessed of his sins and was truely sorry and and excepted Jesus as his Lord and savior.
Something that might boggle you guys. Remember how Gods working on a different time scale then man? Like quoted once, 1 day for mankind is 1,000 years for God. When we die, from what I've studied we don't enter into Heaven or Hell that second. Our souls enter a deep sleep till judgement day when Jesus returns. While our bodies might be dead for 100's of years and were asleep. It will be no different then the blinking of an eye. Sorta like when you go to bed. When you wake up, time really never went anywhere as far as ur concerned but it did. So from what I have pulled from the bible Hitler JFK, your great grandpa are all in a deep sleep. Awaiting Jesus. Awaiting judgements.
So let's get this straight... Hitler could potentially get in to heaven by accepting Jesus, yet 6 million Jews are currently burning in Hell for not accepting Jesus as their savior? Does anyone else find this hypothetical situation just a tad bit disturbing? I doubt God works like that.
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