Pope_Ginyu's forum posts
Assassin's Creed is a definite renter...the gameplay becomes monotonous after a few levels and the ending is nothing short of 'Oh my god, there's X amount of hours I'll never get back.'GreenMeanie16
Lol , it's the first of a trilogy , so it's normal that the end is still somewhat confusing ;)
Dude , undo your caps lock , and don't double post ..
Oh ; giving correct information is always welcome -.- For instance : 40GB doesn't suck .. As long as you can play your games and blu-ray discs , there's nothing sucky to me..
EDIT : some1 was faster than me :P
Don't say PS2 is dead .. it still is very usefull ! For instance : Except for 60GB PS3 , it can run PS2 games (pretty normal ;) ) , It's more compact , so if u go on vacation where there's a tv on your room , i don't think you'll use your PS3 ;)
it's also very cheap nowadays , PS3 is still 400 euro's .. It's more user-friendly (in my opinion) , and can also play normal (not blu-ray) dvd's ..
So , it's still a fantastic console to have :)
mine is freezing on assassin's creed, it happened twice this week for two consecutive days...
My AC game did the same thing , i think it froze thrice till i finished the game .. It wasn't such a big deal , sometimes i could even open the PS3 menu :)
As fory our fallout 3 , i'm sorry , can't help you .. Don't have the game .. But this guy before me has posted some tips that seem interesting :P
Dragonball Z Budokai Tenkaichi 3 was awesome , except for the short story mode's and the graphics .. So with ps3 engine some better graphics ;)
I don't get why bringing Buzz/Singstar to PS3 , it's more expensive and no1 cares about the graphics/lay-out ?
Then i'd say FF , but they will already bring FF to PS3 , so can't use that one ;)
Killzone is already token , and so is KH :D
Wow , already lots of great games are being brought to PS3 ..
It certainly is . like other people already stated :
Great games , with great graphics
Wireless (!) controllers and other stuff (usefull if u have both buzz and singstar , it's a mass with wires)
I also thought internet
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