Poster_11's forum posts
I use a wet cloth...
wonder what armorall would do for the look.. lol...
"Sixty years ago we'd just fool them all into going to get shot by Germans." lol
I would've said game piracy is so high because it is free...
I support games if they actually work properly and aren't poor quality.
most ppl who are downloading games are doing so b/c they don't want to pay, not b/c the games are bad I do it to see if they are crap and if they are not then i buy them.[QUOTE="lil_speedy_rvd"][QUOTE="garrett_duffman"] ... you are taking something that is actually possibly serious and you are making a mockery of it. i can only assume that you have been playing these games for wuite a while and are not familiar with culture as a whole... for that i sincerely apologizegarrett_duffman
Right, so if some developper uses The Second World War as a backdrop to one of their games, they can't use the germans as enemies cause that's being racist... if its the Korean War then they can't use Koreans as enemies... if they use the Vietnam war they can't use Vietnamese people as enemies... if its the First gulf War then they can't use Irakis as enemies... if it's a fictional war they can't use any nationality cause its considered "racist".
Using features that may be prelavent in one culture is not racism.... The Holocaust, the genocide in Armenia, the Rwandan Genocide, The East-Timor Genocide... Those are examples of racism, if everyone just did not care what other think/say about them then those tragedies would have never happened.
The examples that you used are simply ridiculous.
wow... you are REALLY comparing a game based on a WORLD WAR, something that actually HAPPENED, and tons of people died, with games that just feed us subliminal messaging. Games based on historical FACT can not be considered subliminal, this actually happened, maybe not word for word, but this happened. it paints a picture of a rough time in our past, where we overcome a severe obstacle and shine! i can not believe you would actually bring this up. truly classy... Actually it fits because there was tons of subliminal messaging during the wars and they still use it during wars.
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