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I'll never buy a PS3 so please port FFXIII, MGS4, ect.,ect. Part 1

Please you idiots, at least try to look smart, it can go a long way.

I post this in regards to just some of the ridiculous asinine comments that seems to creep out of every Wii, 360, and just plain old anti PS3 troll.

Lets use MGS4 as an example

Microsoft nutsack clencher:"MGS4 should be ported to the 360 because I don't want a PS3."

Microsoft drone:"LOL, Kojima must hate making money if he's not going to port MGS4 to the 360"


In order to play PS3 games, you must buy a PS3 console, regardless of your love or hate for the system, the fact remains is that MGS4 is (so far!) a PS3 exclusive. Buy a PS3 if you want to play the game if you don't want one, tough. Don't cry on a message board on how much the PS3 sucks but turn around and whine about how you want X-game so badly to come out for your system of choice. Not only is it ironic but you will join the millions of other asshats who are exploring the joys of the "internets".

While the PS3 is in no stretch, leading the console race, releasing exclusive games for it is not a fools move. Taking into consideration consoles like the Gamecube, where Big-Name titles could expect to see a high sales volume simply because of the fact of a small ownership base could lead to more copies being sold. Compared to a potential smaller volume with a larger ownership base.

This is no stab at all the fanboys, just the idiots who seem to be green with envy.

More on this later.

One Good Move Deserves A Far More **** One.

We all know Sony has recently has heeded the willof millions when they slashed the 60 gig PS3 by $100 USD. This should have marked the turning of a new leaf and replacement of idiot savants with competent bsuinessmen.

But Sony being Sony, has to do something dumb to balance the good.

Our lovely friend Jack Tretton announced that 60 gig model would no longer be continued once stock ran out, replaced by it's more expensive 80 gig sister console. A complete waste in a sense as $100 more certainly isn't worth just an extrea 20GB of space and a digital copy of a Motorstorm.

The 60 GB model's price is where Sony should be holding their focus. It's at a better price, has all the needed features and only lacks games and if given time, it's a problem that can be remedied soon.

Eliminating the cheaper, and in some ways, better option, Sony is going to be repeating the same lackluster performance they've been suffering from since the outset.

I don't know how you can take a perfect recipe for success and simply FUBAR the whole thing.

Capcom giving Wii users a dumbed down experience.

I just recently shelled out the cash to but the living legend itself and I didn't have to wait outside of a Target for 3 hours either.

It's far from what it's been hyped up to be I must say but it is a refreshing experience. Good games are on the horizion, one of which has caught my eye. Resident Evil: Umbrella Chronicles.

I'm not the biggest fan of rail shooters and this is just one in the long line of Capcom's Survivor series which is mostly unreleased in NA except for a few titles. But I'm certainly a huge sucker for Capcom and an even bigger sucker for Resident Evil.

So here in lies my current problem... 


Turns out that the games producer, Masachika Kawata, has decided that the game is currently " Too complicated" for it's Wii customers and is in the process of "dummying" it up to make a wonderful experience for "all" Wii users.

As a Resident Evil and Capcom fan this is a bigger slap to the face than Sony's recent goat incedent.


Resident Evil has never been "easy", it's been about frustrating puzzles, limited ammunition amongst a plethora of enemies, bad voice acting(if only for the first game), and chainsaw wielding maniacs who just happen to qualify as brain surgeons.

And while the Wii has always been about promoting ease of use to introduce newer gamers, why constantly hold their hand and shelter them? You can't expect them to branch out into bigger and better things if you constantly coddle them with simplitic games.


While thats not to say the game itself will become nothing more than a rendation of Wii Sports. I hate the fact that an self proclaimed image will stem the growth of what might be a great game.

Note to Japanese gaming companies: Don't try to decide what we will or won't buy

An issue that NA gamers have been trying to deal with since the NES days, game developers who decide not to release their games overseas because they feel they won't be well recieved by western audiences. For years we've missed out on gems like the Shin Megami Tensei series, Sweet Home, Radiant Silvergun, Namco X Capcom, Suikoden 1+2, Osu! Tatakae! Quendan, and Jump Superstars.

Now I, as a gamer, who largely prefers Japanese games, finds this to be audacious. Who are you to say that I won't be interested in your game? You might be surprised and have a more than plesent welcome waiting for your franchise. As gaming becomes more and more mainstream, more and more games are becoming appreciated for their true value. I would think with the small but significant success of games such as Guitaroo Man, Phoenix Wright, Shin Megami Tensei: Nocturne through Digital Devil Saga, that there would be a signifcant increase in the push to get more Japanese games published overseas.


Alas, twas not to be.

Japanese developers once again, are putting down the lid on some of their games. Refusing to share their greatness with those around them in fear of rejection. I ask them this: What rejection?


If anything, I've seen nothing but outspoken demand for these games to be released to other shores, yet they seem to fall on deaf ears. Hello?! are you people afraid of making money or something. You have a product in demand by a significant mass of gamers, enough to make a profit in the very least. Could you see it in your hearts to give us what we ask of you for what has seemed to have been a lifetime of begging?


Japanese developers, have more confidence in your games. If you you're being told that you have a quality product that many are more than willing to spend money on, give them what they want. You stand to do nothing but gain, all of us do.


A Game Console Is Not A Toy.

A very particular phrase I've been hearing lately, especially in regards to the PS3. A phrase that just happens to also irritate me to no end.

A toy is an object, primarily favored by children but also by some adults, that is used in play. A toy can be anything ranging from a rock to a doll. Used primarily to encourage positive growth in a child. It helps to occupy, build an imagination, learn, and promote social growth when used by groups. The same could also apply to a gaming console but the similarities of the two are like fire and ice.

A gaming console is used as a way to interact with an artifical enviroment with visual feedback. Somewhat similar to the way you would use your imagination and use your toy as an outlet. However, gaming can breach a variety of topics, situations, and environments that toys do not. Gaming consoles are not used to promote growth but as stimulation, or entertainment. Modern gaming consoles are used for more than one purpose, as they can now be used as hubs for the intertent, movies, or music. All of which are forms of enterainment not classified as 'toys'.

Gaming consoles are not geared to endure the harsh treatments that toys are engineered to face. A gaming console is somewhat of an investment, you buy it in order to enjoy what may be possibly available for them in the future. A gaming console also by itself is not geared towards a specific role that most toys are. They are not 'action heroes', 'glamour queens', 'monsters', or 'animals' making them redundant for role playing or for use in made up situations.

While they can be used and some of it's software may be geared towards children, this does make up it's complete purpose. They are used as a form of media and entertainment. They do not have static rolls, and are reliant on a variety of senses and factors to make them any form of use.


While Nintendo may have marketed their NES in it's early days as a toy to promote sales, It is anything but



It took me a while....

But I've finally obtained my first piece of next-gen. Got a 360 last week along with Gears of War which was beaten that following night.

I must say, I've never before been so impressed and immeresed into an game. As a former military man myself, I'd have to say that GoW does a better job simulating conflict  than Socom.

Seriously, ducking for cover, goody runs, and an urban enviroment, it just screams at me. Put er up, run er by, put er down. (Raise your head while they reload. Run forward and find cover. Lower your head) Awesomeness. By the way, whoever thought of the chainsaw bayonets deserves a million dollars.


After walking into the parking lot of the mall, I spotted two figures, both male.

Both seemed to be in the midst of conversation when one man suddenly snatched the other's bags and ran. unable to catch the thief, I ran to the victom's aid instead.

Turns out it was nothing really, the thief had stolen nothing more than several boxes of cat food.

I don't know if I should laugh or feel sorry for the guy.


Dear Sir

We dutifuly regret to inform you that you are not medically fit for service in the armed forces. Your present application for waiver has been denied.

Well that just put a stop to all my plans.....

Oh well, I still have my job and school.

Only Eight Per Store?

 Parents, fanboys, and rich boys will be digging around for $100 under the couch starting Tuesday to get their pre-orders ready. What really gets me is how anyone can even hope to actually attain  something that possibly only might have eight copies in stock? November, more than likely close to the Christmas season. This is simply a rampage waiting to happen. There's going to be plenty of campers come next month and certainly plenty of robberies to go along with them.

I think I'll wait six months.


I've gotten my medical waiver and I've worked out my agreement. I'm going in for the Army program called Green to Gold. This means that while I enlist in the Army, I still go to school and get my degree. Once I graduate, I'll be comissioned as a Second Lieutenant, which is sort of like a business manager position for those who don't know much about the military. I'm also going reserve, as I don't think I need to make the military a career. I'm still quite happy in my current home, with my current job, going to my current school.

 Since I've already been to Marine Corps boot camp, I don't have to attend basic training for the Army (Thank GOD) but I still have to attend Officer Candidate School(damn...) Of course, I haven't put it all in writing yet, but I'm thinking that this is a golden opportunity. I'll give you all an update once I work everything out all the way.

Random thought for the day: Phoenix Wright pwns you and your family
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