@OldKye @Pre_ordered_PS4 COD gets a month exclusivity on 360. Now that is one of, if not the, most casual games on the market. People that just play COD every year and nothing else are definitely more likely to buy a 360
@OldKye @FAIL_TR0LL @EL_Bomberdor disagree, you get casual gamers on PS3, you get casual gamers on 360. The same way you get hardcore gamers on both systems as well.
The fact there are more people on headsets on 360 is purely because the system comes packed with one
@mellow09 @Pre_ordered_PS4 Wow that does surprise me! Well time will tell i guess with how well Xbone does. One things for certain though, the PS4 is gonna be a success :P
@mellow09 @Pre_ordered_PS4 I dont know man, I'm not convinced. There are A LOT of xbox fans out there and they will stick with Micro$oft through thick and thin. Once the price drop for Xbone comes and it ships in more regions, I think it will be very close. They might even overtake PS4 if being brutally honest
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