@chocolate1325 Too true! PS4 will destory Xbox One and WII U in terms of exclusives aswell. Maybe not in the first year, or 2nd or 3rd but by the end of its cycle, we will be saying something similar
@dalua360 @Pre_ordered_PS4 I've got it, its freaking amazing! Heres the annoying thing though, my brother installed it for me so I have no idea how to get it lol
If you are on google chrome (and quite frankly, you should be ;)), just google search ad block plus and should be able to find it pretty easily. Trust me, its worth your time
Brought one at the exact same time as PS3. Had fun with it, got RROD in 2nd year. Brought a new one, got RROD in 2nd year again!!! Stuck with Playstation 3. Never looked back
Dont care what anyone says, the PS3 was a fucking fantastic console! Uncharted series, MGS4, God of War 3, heavy rain & The last of us. Any console with them exclusives is a winner
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