I use a danish dealer called http://www.coolshop.dk. They always have games cheaper than all other stores and the delivery is only 1-2 days. Don't think they ship outside Denmark though.
[QUOTE="Josh55886"]Spiderman 2000 http://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=spiderman+ps1&aq=f I have to have it on either the PS2 or PC, perferably PC. Don't know where you are from but you could look for known dealers from your country, you might get lucky.
I think the reason they haven't made skating games avaible for PC is due to that using a keyboard for it would be pretty lame. And there is really no reason for them to make a PC game so people can use Xbox 360 controller with a driver, instead of just buying an xbox/ps3.
Well there is always Warhammer Online, Aion, Age of Conan. I am personally looking forward to Starwars the old Republic, but they haven't given a release date yet :(. Else if your really bored just search on google for a free one =p
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