I had the opportunity to try out Grand Theft Auto San Andreas on the PlayStation 2. I've actually played it for a couple hours now, just driving and flying around Los Santos, Las Venturas, and San Fierro. I've been blown up many times, but I've finally gotten the hang of the control scheme on the PlayStation 2. I haven't done any of the missions as I've been amused just by driving along the interstates in a variety of different vehicles, like an RV or a nice, fast motorcycle. The game really has shown how far the engine and series has come from its early days and the the jump to 3D in GTA 3. The world is massive, if you've ever played GTA 3 or Vice City, this game easily dwarfs them both put together, and the best part is that the load times are almost unnoticeable... and I'm the type of person who notices those types of things, even if they're just for a second or two. You can also go in burger stands and get a bite to eat. Eating fatty foods enough will make you overweight, and then you can go to the gym and burn the pounds. As you play the game more your skills go up too. You start off as a lowly hoodie, but as you learn how to use your weapons and spend time driving on all the different types of vehicles, you can do more experienced things with them. For instance, if you use your assault rifle enough, you can go from only targetting and firing when you're standing still, to targetting and firing it while you're running... useful during a gang war. I've been playing this and all I can say is that I can't wait until it's released for the computer. The controls will be much better, and of course the graphics will be of a higher resolution also. Some of the music in it isn't my type, and it definitely earns the Mature Audience rating for all of the killing and vulgar language... I certainly don't remember that much vulgar language in Vice City or GTA 3... It's definitely unnecessary to enjoy the game. Even if you aren't the violent type, you could still have plenty of fun in San Andreas as a Vigilante cop, a fireman, a taxicab driver, an ambulance driver, or just a regular pedestrian taking in the sights. That's what I've been doing the most of, taking in the sights, carjacking a new ride (I took a lawn mower once) and generally being a nuisance to the city. This game is definitely one of the best to depict an online world. When it comes out for the computer, I'm definitely going to buy it!
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