So, how's everyone doing? I'm feeling a little hazy atm, I have a cold and it puts me in a weird mood, I act drunk when I have a cold lol.
School: Call me a geek or what ever but I think I like school. I still feeling I'm kind of failing though. For my english mock exam, I got a C. And as for my ICT, which is my first GCSE I'll be walking away with, I got a B. That's okay I guess, oh and in my maths coursework, I got a B (one mark away from an A!!) and for the mock exam I got a B, finally with my mock science exam, I got a D :( With my art, I haven't been bothering with it lately, I think I've given up on it, there's so much to do, I got a U and F on that. Not good. I'm failing hard this year!! :( Oh and another bad thing, I got myself into supervised attendance, last Wednesday, I was violent with my teacher and swore at her, a lot in her face. I lost my temper I guess, a lot has been happening lately so I have my reasons.
Anime: As I've been taking days off school, I'd usually just go in for exams etc, I've been watching a lot of anime. I'm still waiting for Valkyria Chronicle's 7th episode to come out so I've been trying to finish off Full Metal Alchemist and is it me or am I just really sensitive? Cus I've been crying quite a lot through out lol. :D It gets very emotional! I've also started watching Code Geass, still on the first episode though and I tried getting into Eden of the East, bored me though. I'll be starting to watch Phantom: Phantom of the quiem soon though (I think that's what it's called lol) A little reminder for myself though, I'm on epised 28 on FMA.
Gaming: Haven't been playing much, my brother took my TV out of my room and I can't be bothered to keep friggen connecting my Wii to a tv and moving everything downstairs and upstairs again. But anyways, again I've just been playing Final Fantasy again, I've gotten further into the game and then what happens?! I leave it on pause cus I was stuck on something so I thought I'd leave it for the next day as I was tired to figure it out, but then I find that my little brother and sister have been playing with it! :evil: Idiots. So I have to start from the beginning now -_- I'm gonna be buying a new game soon though, not sure which one though yet but it'll just be anything random, a RPG game though or FPS.
Other stuff: I've been trying to download animation softwares, one stop motion and the other is 3D animation. It's because in the new diploma I'm doing in school, the course allows me to do whatever I want and as my goal is to become an animator, I thought this might be my chance to prove something, a talent maybe and to also have some of my own animation so when I apply for a job, I can use this to help me get the job I want. I've also been looking for a placement for my work experience, I've sent an email to Sega, I hope they take me in! And I'm still looking but only within animation studios.
Btw, I've deleted my previous blog because I didn't want the first thing for people to see when the come on my profile to see a picture of me lol but if you still wanna check out the hair it's in the images section.
That's it for this blog, cheers for reading.
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