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PrincesTwilight Blog

Where is everyone? '.' or did everyone just forget me.. xD

For real though, I've been checking out a lot of peoples blogs, most of the people on my friends list and stuff, some of are you are still blogging but it's not like how it used to be.. I found a lot of people have left or just stopped blogging, we all used to be busy but still keep updating, has gamespot gone dead or is just me?

On a brighter note, how is everyoe doing? :)

Damn straight it's been long!

Last time I was on here was probably like what, a year or 2 ago? I've missed this place. I was thinking of making a new account and start over but what the heck, it's good to be back on something from the past :)

I haven't actually been on in so long because well, I was starting exams, then finished school, went on a longggg holiday, came back straight to college and got given a load of assignments. It's been a heck of a year I'll tell you that. I still played games from time to time, I stopped for a bit but I'm back on it way more than I used to be now xD I haven't bought any new games lately but I've been playing Zombies on Black Ops quite a lot xD was also replaying Halo :3 my friends really hate the game (some haven't played it yet they still claim it's sh*t.. -.-)

Because I just love playing zombies, my mind has been set on 360 which I still haven't got, can't really afford it if I'm honest lol sooooo, because I haven't played the Wii in such a long time, I thought I'd sell it which I know I'm gonna regret cus I'm a big Nintendo fan and deep down, I love the Wii even though I haven't played it for so long but it's time to move on righ? :')

I have been playing the PSP though, kept replaying Crisis core for fun and at the moment been playing Phantasy Star but stopped again because I lost the PSP charger AGAIN -.-

So what's happening with you guys? :D I haven't been on here for so long, fill me in! :D I'm gonna get back to your blogs and reading them, I miss this place :)

I have loads to share, so I'l definitely be back here again :)

I'll end this blog on a classic I can't stop listening to at the moment that I'm sure you'll all love :) :

Enjoy! :3

Recommendations plez.

Hey guys.

How's everyone?

Lately I've been really busy, most of it games but yeah, after finally managing to buy a psp charger then completing Crisis Core, which I grew so attached to, brilliant game, I'd like a new action RPG game for the PSP seeing as I don;t have many games for it, so guys, any good recommendations?

So far been thinking of Valkyrie Profile and Star Ocean, I'm not sure with what to choose though or what's good and what's not.

Thanks guys, hope everyone had a great new year.

I'm aliveeee guyss

I actually miss gamespot...

I miss you guys! :)

How's everyone been? What's new? Tell!

With me, nothing much, been busy with social life, gaming life, school life, you get my point. Thought I'd come back instead of abondon gamespot. It has bored me once but I hope not for this again! Lol. Bought new games while I was away of course, pretty cheap so I thought why not :P MGS2 on xbx, Dead or Alive 3 and Soul Calibur 2. Finally buying a 360 next week guys! wooo :D Can't wait! Gonna be cutting my hair soon too and dyeing some of it blue and maybe white :P I don't really have much to say except that life is going pretty great atm :)

Peace guys, I'm out x

Work, school and games..srsly nat bothered.

So it's 6:30 in the morning, been awake since 4am and seriously cannot sleep. First day of work experience today, I'm working in an electronic shop and I just know it's going to be so boring, there's hardly ever any people in the store and I don't even know how to get I wanna get paid too but we don't :(

As for school, I don't start 'til like 2 weeks from now but I'm really not looking forward to it. I had aproject I was supposed to complete, well half of it at least, but I haven't even started :| I'll try do something :P

And now with games, well I haven't been playing that much, I can't find my PSP charger so when ever I get it charged I play FF:Crisis Core, which is awesome, forgot where I'm up to but I think half way. Been playing Rock band too though, Sould Calibur, Resident Evil:Code Veronica, House of the Dead and yeah, more of course but I can't remember lol

Oh yeah and I've been like away again for a long time 'cus I was on holiday, nor surprise, went Egypt >.> boring as hell I tell ya but eh I'm back now, I've commented a few blogs, I'll try do more :)

Oh and another thing, got my haircut again xD I'll post a pic up but I don't like it :( I feel it's too short and that the stupid lady didn't make the left side longer like I wanted >8( stupy.

Well I'ma end it here now, bubbai.

Hello Gamespot

Yeah, so I vanished into thin air and now I'm back.

Sorry for that guys, I've been abscent for god knows how long but I have a lot of chaotic problems happening recently, and I've been going out a lot with friends so yeah.

This is just a note I guess to say I'm back (:

Hope you don't hate me

A few updates

So, how's everyone doing? I'm feeling a little hazy atm, I have a cold and it puts me in a weird mood, I act drunk when I have a cold lol.

School: Call me a geek or what ever but I think I like school. I still feeling I'm kind of failing though. For my english mock exam, I got a C. And as for my ICT, which is my first GCSE I'll be walking away with, I got a B. That's okay I guess, oh and in my maths coursework, I got a B (one mark away from an A!!) and for the mock exam I got a B, finally with my mock science exam, I got a D :( With my art, I haven't been bothering with it lately, I think I've given up on it, there's so much to do, I got a U and F on that. Not good. I'm failing hard this year!! :( Oh and another bad thing, I got myself into supervised attendance, last Wednesday, I was violent with my teacher and swore at her, a lot in her face. I lost my temper I guess, a lot has been happening lately so I have my reasons.

Anime: As I've been taking days off school, I'd usually just go in for exams etc, I've been watching a lot of anime. I'm still waiting for Valkyria Chronicle's 7th episode to come out so I've been trying to finish off Full Metal Alchemist and is it me or am I just really sensitive? Cus I've been crying quite a lot through out lol. :D It gets very emotional! I've also started watching Code Geass, still on the first episode though and I tried getting into Eden of the East, bored me though. I'll be starting to watch Phantom: Phantom of the quiem soon though (I think that's what it's called lol) A little reminder for myself though, I'm on epised 28 on FMA.

Gaming: Haven't been playing much, my brother took my TV out of my room and I can't be bothered to keep friggen connecting my Wii to a tv and moving everything downstairs and upstairs again. But anyways, again I've just been playing Final Fantasy again, I've gotten further into the game and then what happens?! I leave it on pause cus I was stuck on something so I thought I'd leave it for the next day as I was tired to figure it out, but then I find that my little brother and sister have been playing with it! :evil: Idiots. So I have to start from the beginning now -_- I'm gonna be buying a new game soon though, not sure which one though yet but it'll just be anything random, a RPG game though or FPS.

Other stuff: I've been trying to download animation softwares, one stop motion and the other is 3D animation. It's because in the new diploma I'm doing in school, the course allows me to do whatever I want and as my goal is to become an animator, I thought this might be my chance to prove something, a talent maybe and to also have some of my own animation so when I apply for a job, I can use this to help me get the job I want. I've also been looking for a placement for my work experience, I've sent an email to Sega, I hope they take me in! And I'm still looking but only within animation studios.

Btw, I've deleted my previous blog because I didn't want the first thing for people to see when the come on my profile to see a picture of me lol but if you still wanna check out the hair it's in the images section.

That's it for this blog, cheers for reading.


Take a look inside your heart

Hey, Crush 40, you rock! :D Got my title from 'Live Life' by Crush 40 of course.

And a hello to my fellow friends, it sure has been long since I've blogged which I apologise for my sudden abscence as I had many exams to do and I was quite literally really busy, I used to come back everyday from school at 7pm and I'd come back absolutely shattered. I still have a lot of art work to do but I'm glad I've got my ICT and maths out of the way. I still have a lot more exams coming up but I thought of coming on gamespot now, doing a blog and try to comment some blogs I've missed but I can't promise to comment on all of the past ones, remember who I am? Yeah, the lazy one :P

Right, so what's new? Ah yes, I got a haircut :) if you've seen my pictures, obviously you'd notice my hair was long, well not any more. It's all gone! Well not all exactly of course but it's like hella short now, I've been told that it looks really cute and got plenty of compliments for it. I might post a new piccy up, maybeee though tehe.

I haven't been playing much too for obvious reason but I have been still playing Final Fantasy:Crystal Chronicles-Echoes of Time. Now that I've played more of it, it's actually just a good game, not amazing, not great, just good. My auntie took like 6 or 7 of my DS games to borrow for her new DSi, which I will get into in a bit and my friend still has my DS games so I don't even have much DS games to play atm :P Oh wells :D

So the DSi, yeah I've tried it out and I guess it's pretty decent but pointless of making another upgrade of the DS, I mean like c'mon, why the heck make a new DS by just adding a camera that can do dodgy stuff and a music player and all that crappy stuff? Nintendo's target audience atm really seem to be aiming for the casual gamers. Well screw you Nintendo, we don't need you! (Please don't go) But stop making pathetic upgrades and make friggen' decent games! Sheesh. I guess it's pretty obvious that I'm not getting a DSi, don't need one but if you don't have a DS, guess you could always go for the DSi.

Seeing as I was talking about games there, I've played Resident Evil 5 lately at a friends house and must I say, I rather enjoyed it, heck I thought it was bloody awesome. I am a scaredy cat k? So it still kind of scared me but that's just me, I know but hey, I loved it :D Other than that, I watched Coraline a few days ago and DAYEM, that movie blew me away with it's extreme awesomeness! Yes, it was so damn creepy, I do not recommend for kids to watch it but man, it was wicked.

I'm going to end my blog here now, it seems that I've kinda extended it on this one :P Sorry tehe.

Well, laterz! :)

The purple hair!

I can't put the picture up here for some reason, it keeps coming up as that cross thingy :? So it's in my images section if you wanna see it. Just to let you know though, I only got the bottom of my hair dyed and underneath so you might not see much purple, as I'm not going to go searching for the most purple bits in my hair lol. I think it looks pretty cool :)

Coolioz dudes, I'm out. Laterz.

He's not your boyfriend, he's mine!

Yeah that's right girls, hands off my man! :P Cool song :D

But yeah, long time no bloggy eh? Well I've just had some long arse Art exam today, it was on for the whole day. Didn't even manage to finish my final piece, if you're wondering what it is, it's a peacock with some of it's feathers hanging off the card because it was so big :P And it was going to have buildings in the background to represent the bird of paradise walking into the city of darkness, get the theme? Meh. I know I haven't done well, no one's finished, but for what I have done so far, itactually doesn't look that bad,never knew I could paint sogood :P And yeah,you're meant to have two days but we were given one day :?

Anywho, I haven't been playing games because I've been so busy which is killing me! But I think I've managed to catch up on some blogs. I need to clean my Nintendo Wii, it looks really dirty... I hate my things dirty :evil:

I've been listening to Trivium a lot lately along with Lamb of God... man they're amazing!

Oh yeah, I'll try to get a good picture of my purple hair to show you guys before it goes pale again lol.

Got nothing else to say, just take care etc. Laterz! :)