@VenkmanPHD the movie from the 90ties was AWESOME ! It had all the SSF characters and a ton of tongue in cheek humor. If you want to see some SF suckage check out the story of chun li...
4 is way too harsh IMHO and I am a big Ninja Gaiden Black fan. Yeah sure this game has some annoying stuff in it but its at least somewhere near 6-7, how the hell did Rambo get a 6 and this a 4 blows simply my mind....
I think this serves more as a tech demo for the Fox Engine, I dont know why Kojima bothered with releasing this, maybe the demand was so high that he just gave in probably and people still will buy everything with the MGS tag on it, similar to CoD. This should have been included in MGS5 and not sold separately but oh well at least people know whats up to come :]
@Bexorcist @Printul_Noptii well okay if you only payed 30$ and are enjoying the game I am really happy for you :) I think this game is worth 30$ but unfortunately here in europe the XBONE version costs 60 Euro and the PC version around 40 Euro and having in mind I only payed 20 Euro for the PC version of Thief here in Romania says me that this game will drop in price sooner or later anyway. Also after BF4 I will never pre-order an EA PC game ever !!!
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