@jayjay444 well in that aspect I also think Thief is still the best stealth game ever created but MGS has strong writting and such a good narrative that its almost impossible to not like it.
Well yes it wasnt phenomenal but by far not as bad as the PC versions of resident Evil 4 and Devil May Cry 3. But thanks to modders RE4 PC nowadays is the best looking version around :D
@Grenadeh yes I have it and I can even run it on Win7 64-Bit there is also an optimized japanese only PC release called BioHazard sourcenext, I really dont mind the dated graphics as RE2 has plenty of horror and awesome soundtrack and great gameplay to keep me coming back but its locked at 800x600 win resolution urgh :[ and this game deserves a higher res makeup so bad.
@Syrlink @Printul_Noptii also you can play with any gamepad you want on steam, the PS3 and Xbox gamepads are both recognized the Xbox gamepad works even with rumble and all the good stuff but play it with K+M thats the way to go !
No seriously I am glad this is coming to the PC with such fanservice and I assure you RE6 PC is the best version out there and Revelations is like a cherry on the cake, now they only need to port the Awesome RE2 to steam or remake it in glory HD !
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