@BladeStrike1234 I have to try it out for myself I even liked the latest AVP very much I thought it had a nice feeling to it but maybe because I am also a big aliens fan and I still love AVP2 very much the marines solo campaign of that game still gives me the creeps even today :D
@UrbanTracker @Printul_Noptii I mean seriously look at dead space 3 that game got away with a 8/10 but RE6 got trashed and they are similar all the problems RE6 had were also present in DS3 deep down you know it
am I the only one who thinks this looks actually awesome ? :D Come on guys they got the music right, they got the weapons right who cares about graphics I bet if this game would came out in 2000 this would be a 8/10 game but with everyones standards being so damn high nowadays and the market flooded with FPS shooters no one wants to give it a chance :[
@FAIL_TR0LL @Printul_Noptii well the game itself and the idea behind the game is pretty awesome and original but its just uses the kinect in such a horrible way that its almost unplayable and unresponsive :[ its nothing like the comercials made you believe xD
seriously guys kinect was the biggest piece of fail to ever see the light of the 360 if you dont believe me play Steel Battalion or better yet watch Angry Joes review of it....
@E13MENTER @Printul_Noptii yeah if this would come out on the PC I would definitely get it I even got DmC and the steam version is not even the best looking version but it also runs on 60 FPS :D Also I am holding up for the PC evrsion of RE6 which will have the better graphics and all the DLC crap included, thats the way to go but dunno if MGR will see the light of PC because Platinum Games is no PC game developer :/
@HipHopBeats well the year started out pretty good so far with Dead Space 3 and DmC lets just hope this game and Crysis 3 will be awesome and Aliens Colonial Marines as well ^^
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