Private_Vegas' forum posts
I haven't seen those pics, Thanks!
I love the devs. Indigo Prophecy was fantastic.
Same developers as Indego Phophecy you say?.......... Crap. I gotta go steal a PS3 now.
[QUOTE="-RPGamer-"]Well let's see:
Enchanted Arms* - JRPG. Decent at best, but not garbage.Blue Dragon*- JRPG. Looks very cookie cutter, probably only the more collector oriented RPG fan should be interested.Lost Odyssey - May be cookie cutter in terms of battles, but could be great in story, unlike Blue Dragon.Eternal Sonata - A solid JRPG from develpers of Baten Kaitos (GC).Infinite Undiscovery - Little is know, but it's from tri-Ace the creators of Star Ocean, Valkyrie Profile, and Radiata Stories.The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion* - Solid/Great, albeit flawed by design WRPG.Mass Effect - WRPG from Bioware, speaks for itself.Fable 2 - (WRPG) Peter is keeping his mouth shut so maybe his great game won't disappoint this time.Fallout 3 - (WRPG) Bethesda rekindling the old nostalgia flame, got to love that.Two Worlds* - WRPG from a new developer whom in my opinion took on way more than they could ever actually accomplish correctly.* - denotes it's out
yellow - exclusive/possibly timed exclusivebenjaminbuckner
microsoft is funding infinite undiscovery, and you forgot cry on and the last remnant.
Last Remnant is an RPG? I though it was.... whatever the hell kinda game dynasty warriors is.
[QUOTE="Private_Vegas"][QUOTE="Wasdie"]Umm don't? Honestly the 360 has so few RPGs it isn't worth it. Just save and get a PS3 if you want RPGs.kingyotoX
What makes PS3 the RPG console? Aside from Final Fantasy pretty much all of it's RPG's are multiplat with the 360/PC. One game hardly merits the purchase of a console.
mostly cuz of all the great ps2 rpg's...
Haha yeah, then why not just a PS2? It's about $300 cheaper.
[QUOTE="Private_Vegas"][QUOTE="kingyotoX"][QUOTE="Private_Vegas"]No strong reason really. Oblivion is multiplat. Blue dragon is lame. Eternal Sonata and Lost Odyssey might be good. I havn't heard many good things about Two Worlds, but those who like it, like it a lot.kingyotoX
so wat system should I get
I remember PS2 having a veritable butload of RPG's.
YES ps2 has lots of great rpg's many of which iv'e played.
Well.......... guess you'll have to find some PC RPG's. If you can run Oblivion on that thing then you should be good. Fable 2 should be good when it comesout, but thats not for a while.
Umm don't? Honestly the 360 has so few RPGs it isn't worth it. Just save and get a PS3 if you want RPGs.Wasdie
What makes PS3 the RPG console? Aside from Final Fantasy pretty much all of it's RPG's are multiplat with the 360/PC. One game hardly merits the purchase of a console.
[QUOTE="Private_Vegas"]No strong reason really. Oblivion is multiplat. Blue dragon is lame. Eternal Sonata and Lost Odyssey might be good. I havn't heard many good things about Two Worlds, but those who like it, like it a lot.kingyotoX
so wat system should I get
I remember PS2 having a veritable butload of RPG's.
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