Private_Vegas' forum posts
PS3 then 360, then Wii. I stuck my vote in for the 20Gb cause I figured I'd be the only one... and I was right! For now.....
I R Unique
I've heard that bashing, but it wasn't from just PS3 fanboys, but rather a conglomerate of jerks, that happened to include some PS3 fanboys. Said Fanboys have in fact self-owned themselves, but hey everyone owns themselves now and again. For Sont fans out reading this I don't mean to lump everyone in to the one category. I use Fanboys in the most specific, offencive way possible. The uber fans with no respect. You've seen them, every console has them. They self-own more than the average poster.
Don't let it bother you Subrosian. They have to grow up eventually.
For the love of GOD man, knock it off with the third person referrals. Anyways......
I don't care if they downgrade to N64 graphics, as long as I can cruise around the galaxy in the Normandy and fight some aliens I'm good. I tend to do more than just look at my games. I engage in the lost art of playing them.
Guy's looking for someone to give him the codes from their free Xbox Live trial cards that come in games. Cheapo
PS1 brought Discs into the mainstream over crappy cartridges. PS2 brought consoles gamers online first, but with a lack luster service. and PS was the first with dual analog.
Xbox was the first to offer a unified online service and will soon link PC gamers to Lives gamers.
Each company had had it's share of breakthroughs, most of which have become industry standards. Sony and MS helped make gaming what it is today, don't give Nintendo too much credit.
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