Well I havn't played Crysis yet... because I can't. But screw it I'm going anyways.
Going on pure fun factor including SP and MP (Or lack there-of)
I say: Halo 3>COD 4> HL 2 Ep2. Nothing beats the good times me and my buddies share screwing around on Halo 3. COD 4 with my crew is fun too, but there isn't as much freedom. And while the finalé of HL 2 Ep2 was one of the greatest bits of fun I've found in a SP game in a long time I can still only play it over so many times before the amazement fades.
On story and technical merit:
HL2 Ep 2 >Halo 3> COD 4. I loved the story on the HL 2 series (Shame I havn't played 1) and I also really enjoyed the Halo trilogy's story. It's really to close for me to say a favourite. But HL 2 blows Halo 3 away with it's technical achievements. The physics most notably. Although Halo 3 vehicular combat still rules. COD 4 is just........ meh. I'll play a Tom Clancey game if I want that kind of story.
And yeah.... Crysis is just off doing it's own thing while I'm typing all of this. It's to cool to hang out with me.
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