How is Sonic over-rated? Most know Sonic games are bad stuff, what, over-rated with seven-year-olds? lol?
Just some no-name biased trying to look cool ('gamerevolution' seems ironic in this situation, a site I have personally never heard of or at least recognise). Most know FF7, Halo series and Bioshock are over-rated. Doesn't mean their not good games (and stuff like Bioshock and FF7 are known for their unique qualities [e.g. graphics] more then anything even though the overall gameplay isn't the greatest), just means that there are better games that get less noticed. Otherwise, most professionals that have had years of experience would disagree with this opinionated late-teen, considering the complete lack of evidence for any of the games.
Awkward controls? how is that? Only time it was awkward was with flying, and a few harder end-game levels where you need to change gravital-position perfectly. Even the unique Wii-Motion or IR gameplay moments were amazing fun and didn't have a hitch in them.
Worthless items? Like that? The items required to finish each level? The items that gave you unique abilities?
The camera was mostly never wonky, in certain situations the views were far from ideal but were no where near majorly interruption the gameplay at all.
Final boss fight was a disappoint and pretty much half of them weren't that hard, either way, many boss fights were well designed and calling a mario game easy is stupid considering overall the core game of SMG was made to be easy... but made to be fun
Lack of Depth? You really know nothing about what goes into balancing a game do you? The Polish that perfect games require, you just prove that you really have no right to be blogging, of course I guess that is what the internet is for, giving voices you people like you.
'Un-intuitive' lives-system: Meh, could have used without it, overall it is a non-issue since the lives system didn't really matter anyway. Why complain about something that didn't really get in anyones way? And I doubt it required much work to input this system in so it wouldn't have taken away from any other area of the game.
makes me wonder why game journalist didn't consider all these problems into account in their reviews: because journalists seem to factor in the fact that they were having one of the most amazing times they have ever had in a game for years, without it being hard or over-bearing. A few problems they encountered every few hours in between awesome gameplay isn't going to change their minds.
I think that the only reason why this game got alot of praise, was simply because it was a new Mario game. OF COURSE, every game that has ever starred Mario has gotten AMAZING reviews!
WHY DIDN'T WE SEE THIS BEFORE! This is just one HUGEconspiracy for Mario games and Nintendo! IGN, Gamespot, and every reviewer who gave this game over 9 MUST be in on it!
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