Yea was planning on grinding abit. Forgot to mention i have 2 personas with mediaharan that milchidek guy and throne. Also i managed to make a Loki with Garudyne Bufudyne and Agidyne and Ragnarok plus some other skills but not zio , do i really need zio or could i just use some other zio persona like byakko?
All of the Dynasty Warriors titles are approximately the same in terms of story... you play one of several different Chinese historical heroes, capturing sections of a map by killing endless amounts of grunt soldiers until their commanding officer comes to take you on. The terrain might change, but the gameplay hasn't in well over six or eight itterations. Lots of hack, plenty of slash, just kill and kill again.
Hope this helps ya, Pronto!
Ahh that's cool, now i know i don't miss anything story wise.
So im planning on getting Strikeforce for the psp but im the story of the game the same on each game? So far i've only heard about reuniting china....
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