as a pc gamer, i'm always online but there are a few games out there that require a constant connetion that if i lose it i have to find some other game to play, i don't lose the ability to utilize my pc or play other games however so this could raise a few eyebrows and cause consumers t think twice (which would be a boon for other consoles). i think the larger issue and where we really should be focusing our ire is on how this next gen is going to handle used games. Rental games, gamestop, try before you buy. is pirating console games or the used game market eating so much of these developers profits as to cause this sort of reaction?
Theres always a catch...just hasnt been revealed yet, years of tactics such as these from EA are nothing more then shifts to maximize profits...just wait...ps4/xbox 720 will require console versions of origin to play ea titles...wouldnt put it past 'em
saying this at an investor meaning is only saying "we've found a way to reduce the cost of production, and our profits will be higher because of it" No where in the statement does it imply the cost will differ for the consumer.
PrplMnkyDshwsr7's comments