Pass, I just don't have an interest in a DLC that won't have an affect on the game world evolution in the story. The story has been told, time to move on to a new ME game BW/EA.
@myungish This is the issue with any and all DLC ME3 will come out with. It won't change any of the outcomes, all it can serve to do is expand on the story with depth and detail.
Rockstar has proven more then capable of creating amazing titles over the years, some take longer then others. Yes GTAIV came out in '08 and was freaking amazing, since then they've put out RDR, LA Noire, Max Payne etc. High quality games that have been very well received by both the gaming communities and by critics.
Take your time, flesh out the game world, and deliver the awesome product that we all know you can and more then likely will deliver.
meh, I'm done with ME3. Haven't touched since March 12th and don't plan to. Thank you Bioware for the great first two games of the series, thanks for Dragon Age: Origins, thanks for KotOR, godspeed as you continue you your decline.
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