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#1 PsiPhiTy1
Member since 2009 • 49 Posts
I guess what I meant was it was quick to take out [and play] and quick to put away, as well as takes little to no room. AND as an adult (45yrold) I can hide my guilty pleasure of pokemon bashing/collecting, which I share with my 14 year old daughter. I can be descreet while riding the bus to and from work... looks like todays phones or blackberries or some similar electronic gadget rather than a game boy,... A toy. So far it still beating my phone games but not by far and maybe not for long.
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#2 PsiPhiTy1
Member since 2009 • 49 Posts
I had a GBA for a few years and never played it (lack of interesting games and the medium as a whole), then I got my DS followed by my 360. I just recently bought a Micro and I switch back and forth between the DS and the Micro daily , while riding the Bus and waiting for it. (re)playing Fire Emblem while waiting for bus and Fire Emblem (new one) on DS once ON the bus, I travel a lot and am on buses a lot... but with failing eye site the Micro is a lot easier for me to see. I would drool to be able to buy a Micro that played DS games, (single screened would be sufficient in most cases... or better yet a Game Boy Micro sized DS maybe with [not-so-dorky] glasses that made the screen content appear larger. Needless to say I sit here contemplating the final days of my 360 and whether to take advantage of my local game stores trade in offers and get more games that I still don't have enough time to play.. or hold onto it and play through the 3 or 4 more 360 games that I kinda enjoy only when bored of the DS (yeah! like THAT ever happens!) By example; Ultimate Card Games GBA (instructions or any text for that matter) , heck, just reading the card indexes, are all but impossible to read on the Micro unless you have the best of eye site or googles/glasses/Microscope.... I still won't do without it though. I practically glue that cart in.. There are ea couple of games ie Both Advance Wars, Black hole and original, BOTH Fire Emblems for the GBA, all Final Fantasy carts and a few game compilations(chess etc..) that i can basically replay forever by circulating them in and out. Games like that I don't try and just BEAT and I can't say I understand those people who DO. WHY JUST speed through and quickly BEAT something, why not experience the whole thing, collect every item, beat everyone there is to challenge, become every level fighter there is to BE, see all the sites and get the most out of your buck, especially in these times of slim cash availability. Really wring the game for all it's worth. Just beating a game in an afternoon seems like a terrible waste of money. I will probably always have my micro until they stop selling batteries for it [ then I'll learn to make 'em myself] and or until I have played every GBA game rated 7.5 or greater. Heck, just for (both) Fire Emblems and (both) Advance Wars, I'll probably own one forever.... So I'm Holdin' out for the >>>>>>>> Hey if flip phones can get that small why not the DS? it can happen!?!?!? Heck Game carts are very close in size to Phone SIM cards...
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