Sorry bout your issues, but im completly satisfied... and more, im a bit behind everyone w/ connecting online, but i finally am, along with my HD, couldnt be happier... (then again even without being online, i knew i made a GREAT investment when i bought it in January).
Having never played the game of PC, Xbox... I enjoyed it, except the ending to the game was kind of lame, i wished for more, kind of left me hanging. Other than that, GREAT game IMO
If you have the money and it won't break your wallet, I say go for it. There's still great games out right now that are must haves for the system. And that list is going to become even bigger.
I got mine last week and I don't regret not waiting, even if there is a price drop soon. I want in on the fun NOW! lol
I agree, I've had mine for about 3 months now, and i dont regret dropping the money one bit!! Its only going to get BIGGER, and at that point, i wouldnt want to have to fight to try to find one... best 800 bucks i dropped in along time. might be expensive...but it's worth every penny. Im broke as hell and i know my parents ain't gonna get it for me so im doing what ever i can do earn some money here and there. So far i have $400 still need about $300 to go. So i know for a fact that if you want would save up the money to get one that simple. Yea it might take a year...But you'll get one sooner or later. thats what i think.bizzy_bone16
Nicely Put, Keep saving.. I worked o/t for a few days, but its like anything in life, if its worth having, then you'll do what you gotta, no matter what...
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