Psychadelichaos' forum posts
well there are alot of younger gamers out there who never played mgs1 so werent interested in the rest of the series, or people who maybe owned a different system so never played it
yeah more maps. a 3rd person view would be nice too. i'm thinking they should implement the two perks that they left out. one i heard was that you were able to mark an opponent for the rest of your them. and the other had to do with binoculars. or just completely redo some of them. the evesdrop one and the slient footstep ones are just useless. it would have been cool it they added a perk letting you put multiply attachments to your weapon. an m16 with red dot sight plus a silencer. you would be undetectable.DukeofNewYork00
the eavesdrops perk is pretty useless but the silent footstep one isnt, ive killed alot of people when i hear them coming. like if im sniping and i hear someone stomping towards me i turn around and give them a lil taste of my knife
custom camo, on all weapons, custom camo uniforms, rocket launchers that arent perks, more like as pick-up-in-map guns, trip grenades, dual wielding, jungle maps, snowy maps, more shotguns, better shotguns, ability to switch between semi-auto and full-autogollum007
lol "trip grenades" isnt that called a claymore??
the m16 is semi-auto because it would be a unstoppable killing machine otherwise. it has great power, great accuracy, if it was fully auto and had the recoil it did with the burst who would use anything else? every gun has its flaws and strong points,
2 players of equal skill meet head on about 10 feet from each other 1 with an m16 and another with a ak47, the ak47 has the definite edge. power + lots o bullets = up close accuracy + 1 bullet = far away.
and yes cod4 needs maps n guns and i read in a game magazine ( i think it was EGM ) the creators said they could add content every day since it came out but they want to wait and guage our responses on forums like this and see what we really want. so I'd say that the new content is coming before the end of summer.
i personally want more side arms, maybe a different knife, more grenades and stuff like that ( maybe tear gas? ), more shotguns, lmgs, maybe 1 more scope, and a map or gametype devoted to sniping. ALSO a few perks devoted to improving the accuracy & and range of a gun, cuz cmon the scorpion is basically useless unless your right in front of someone. this is probably too much to add in 1 game though lol so maybe cod5?
so i went to my Gamecrazy last nite ( not sure if its a chain or not ) and i traded in assasins creed (ps3) for credit and all i get is 25 bucks. i remember early 07 i traded in a 360 game and it was worth 35$. so either ps3 games are worth less or gamecrazy has changed into a pawnshop. anyone know what Gamestop gives for Assasins Creed?
seems like every game i play theres always 1 person with a mic that emits this INCREDIBLY annoying beep noise that wont go away, if you turn the mic off it just comes out the tv, so i have to either leave or take my mic off and waste battery.
so heres hoping nobody else buys a friggin mic
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