I've been reading many comparitions between XBOX 360 and PS3 over the internet.
And by the comparitions, i'am with XBOX 360. By many issues, the main feature is the price of the console and games.
However, i'am splited by the same reason of many gamers. I'd love RPG games. And looking for the past generation ( XBOX and PS2 ), a PS would be better for me.
But, up until now, many good RPG titles was been confirmed/lauched for XBOX 360. Like Elder Scrolls, Blue Dragon, Fable 2 and others.
Another good reason to me go for XBOX, is that some games like Devil May Cry and Assassin Creed will be released for XBOX too.
Actually, the only thing that is binding me in PS3, are Final Fantasy games, and maybe some other good RPGs, that may come only to PS3...
I need opinions =)
Take X360 and have faith that more good RPG gamers will be lauched. Or take the expansive PS3, because of a past tradition?
Sorry my bad english, bye!
Ps.: I like JRPG much as i like other RPGs... But JRPG tends to not be so innovative as other rpgs... Look for FF for exemple, its almost the same for ages. Not a bad thing, just a boring thing...
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