Today I finally completed Fahrenheit. Although it was a fairly short game (took me 6 and a half hours or something) it was really a good one! What I liked the most with Fahrenheit was that everything felt so fresh and groundbreaking. Like I've written before in previous posts is that I really love how your actions changes the gameplay.
I really look forward to seeing a sequel to Fahrenheit. But not a game based on the same story though, something similar, but not another Lucas Kane that is controlled by the Oracle etc. That would destroy a little bit of the game it self.
Some of the techniques that were used in this game will surely be interpreted in future games. Especially the whole "your actions controls the game"-thing. It's not brand new, it has been done in many other games.
Silent Hill, just to name one of them. However it felt like you really had to control your actions in this game, think wisely before doing anything. I really loved the sense of being chased. I must admit that in the beginning of the game, I didn't pick up evidences with Carla & Tyler that I had left behind me with Lucas. Just because I was too afraid that it might have led them to me faster. And that it would shorten the gameplay. Well, now when I think back at it, I must say that was a little bit foolish. Nothing like that would have changed the game that much, or would it?
The best thing with the game itself;
the attitude! When some people in suits found out that there was a hidden mini-game in
Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas where you had sex with a woman, they went insane and gave it an AO-rating. Now that's just silly. The game was already for people over 15, I'm sure that everyone that's over 15 knows about sex, how it's done. I bet 99% of the kids that played San Andreas had already watched pornmovies and seen everything, maybe even had sex themselves. Fahrenheit went further than any game I have previously played (atleast the European version, you American people missed some non-forgettable scenes with Carla and Lucas). I have never in my entire life seen sexscenes in a game, that was meant to be there! Don't get me wrong here, I'm not giving the game a better score in my book just because I could see some naked video-game characters. I just liked that they did include stuff like that. Games aren't about limiting our fantasies and cutting away things that aren't suitable for certain people. That's why we have all these ratings, so people can judge wheter or not to buy the game themselves. If sex ought to be included in a game, then sex it's going to be. I really liked that Quantic Dreams pushed the envelope here and included those sexscenes. And I gotta give Atari a big pat in the back for letting Quantic Dreams include 'em.
If you haven't yet played Fahrenheit, go out and buy it immidietly! It's worth playing more than once. I know for sure that I will play it more than one time. Right now though I'm waiting for
Red Dead Revelover to arrive, along with my three newly bought NES games. I'll update when they're here and all.
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