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Pyben0 Blog

Summer break, finally!

Summer school is finally OVER!!!!! And Summer Break hasfinally began! I'm feeling way better now, I went to the doctor and he said it was just a very bad fall. I can play basketball again! I can walk and kinda run. Thank you guys for wishing me the best, you guys are AWESOME!!!

Well, now that I'm on my break I'm gonnaplay Hitman, Resident Evil Code: Veronica X, Pokemon Platinum, Pokemon Ranger: Shadows of Almia and Kingdom Hearts 2 til I get tired and my fingers hurt. Thanks to my break, I will be online more often and posting more.

How are you guys doing? :D

I can't walk.....

I was playing basketball yesterday, I dunked the ball and I fell hard. I feel bad, I landed on the left side of my body. I hit the left side of my head, the left side of my thigh, my left foot and scraped my elbow really bad. I can barely walk, it really sucks. Other than that, I'm okay.

I'm still playing my two Resident Evil games. I'm about to beat Kingdom Hearts II with my little brother. I'm stillkillingpeople in Hitman. Sorry for my short blog, but I can barely type. So, how are you guys doing?

Resident Evil Code: Veronica X, Resident Evil 5, and Resident Evil 4.

I've been playing Resident Evil 4 (like always) and I'm tired of it! YES TIRED!!!!! I have beaten it 5 times in a row and it gets boring.I remembered that I have Resident Evil Code: Veronica X. So I tried it and IT WAS HARD! I forgot that it was the old Resident Evil gameplay. Where you don't control the camera. I really like the new gameplay better (the one from Resident Evil 4 and 5). I still enjoyed playing Code veronica X though. I also witnessed my first Resident Evil 5 live experience! IT WAS AWESOME!!!! It was over at my friend's house in his X Box 360! Resident Evil 5 has some crazy gameplay! He also gave me some cool Resident Evil themes for my PSP, they are AWESOME!!!!! What did you guys think about Resident Evil 5?

I'm also still playing Kingdom Hearts 2 with my little brother. It is fun! I'm really interested in Resident Evil: The Darkside Chronicles. It looks cool! I would actually buy a Wii for RE Darkside Chronicles,Umbrella Chronicles, and RE 4 Wii version. Well enough about me, How are you guys doing? :D

Kingdom Hearts.......and monkeys!

Hello my good friends, WEIRD QUESTION, What's your guys's favorite animal. It just came to my mind. Mine is the monkey, any type of primate. Mostly the chimpanzee or the gorilla.

I'm replaying Kingdom Hearts 2 andmy brother and I recentlybeat Kingdom HeartsRE Chain of Memories. I played as Riku and he played as Sora. I'm still playing Hitman Triology, (mostly Contracts) and Resident Evil 4 inProfessional mode. I'm still not tired of blowing throughGanados in Normal mode with my infinite launcher.

How are you guys doing?

Hitman and AWESOME Weapons!

If you guys have looked at the games I'm playing, you probably noticed I bought the Hitman Triology. But if you didn't look, guess what, I bought the Hitman Triology! WOO! They are all Awesome! I die alot inall games, since you need to have stealth and you need to be quiet. I'm not good at that, I need to be loud and crazy in shooters.

In my last blog, I asked you guys what should I buy in Resident Evil 4, the Chicago Typewriter or the Infinite Rocket Launcher. Thanks to your guys's comments, I couldn't pick one so I bought................................................................. BOTH! I saved up enough money to buy both of them, 2,000,000 bucks. I sold all my weapons, healing items, and my treasures. I didn't sell my striker shotgun and two healing sprays. It was worth it! I can blast through a pack of enemies with the Infinite Rocket Launcher or just punch bullet holes through all enemies with the Chicago Typewriter. I love both of them!!!! :twisted:How are you guys doing?

Chicago Typewriter and Infinite Rocket Launcher

Well, I'm replaying Resident Evil 4 with Leon in the R.P.D. costume. (What does R.P.D. stand for anyway, Racoon Police Departament?) Ashley looks nice in her white costume! I'm alsotrying to buy the Chicago Typewriter and the Infinite Rocket Launcher, but the problem is thatthey areboth $1000000. I got half of $1000000, but if I want them both, soI need $2000000, and that's alot of money. What should I get first when I get my $1000000, the Chicago Typewriter or the Infinite Rocket Launcher? How are you guys doing?

Separate Ways Completed!

I finally beat Separate Ways in Resident Evil 4 and Scarface! It took me 5 hrs. and 23 min. and 23 saves to beatSeparate Ways. I'm now gonna play Mercenaries in RE4. I was just watching the preview of E3 2009 and all the games they're gonna announcelook Awesome! I'm looking forward to God of War 3, Assassin's Creed 2, Red Dead Redemption and many others! Are you guys also looking forward to E3 2009, and if you are, what games are you guys looking forward to? And my usual question, what are you guys doing?


Well, I have been hearing alot about what people fear these last couple of days. I suppose some of you guys might know I'm afraid of open water, lakes, seas, rivers and stuff like that. What are you guys afraid of?

P.S. Yeah, I know, weird and shortblog, but I'm just corious. :oops:

I bought it.

Today I bought X-Men Origins Wolverine at Gamestop. I got it on the PS2, yeah I know it is not rated M and it does not have as much blood like in the PS3, but it is still a very fun game! I'm really enjoying it because Wolverine is my favorite superheroe. The gameplay is nice and the finishing moves are AWESOME! Thelittle glitches get annoying but it's still acool game! What are you guys doing? 8)

I beat Bully and Metal Gear Solid Portable Ops! Updated....

I finally beat Bully and MGS Portable Ops. Bully wasn't hard at all, I don't even know why it took me so long to beat it, probably all my homework. I also can't wait to play X-Men Origins Wolverine. I'm still playing Pokemon Platinum and I'm replaying Kingdom Hearts RE Chain of Memories, the original Chain of Memories in the GBA, Kingdom Hearts 2, and Scarface. I just bought Spider-Man Web of Shadows, I'm gonna play it tonight. What are you guys playing or doing? I played Web of Shadows and I didn't like it at all, it Sucked!!!!!!!!! So I gave it to my cousin.