@Dannystaples14 The Metal Gear series has always made it a point to not take itself too seriously in contrast to the heavier content of the story. The cheesy dialogue, the tongue in cheek jokes, the over the top dramatization of character movement, silly cardboard boxes, the dopey guards, all of this is completely purposeful and none of it is new. Of course you're supposed to recognize how stupidly absurd it is for the wolf to have an eye patch like Snake and laugh about it.
Hey I get that we don't all have the same sense of humor but do you mean to tell us that the series felt serious and realistic up until this point? Really? Have you even played Metal Gear before?
I really do love Bungie and greatly respect the quality of their work. I even enjoyed the Beta. Sadly, the simple fact that Activision is the publisher makes me very wary of making a purchase. This talk of DLC only solidifies my concern. I don't buy Activision games myself but I hope the game does well for the sake of people really excited about playing Destiny. Hey, maybe if Activision doesn't run the game into the ground I may very well buy the game in the future. Still, there is no way I would preorder the game.
@thorn3000 @DarkSaber2k @canuckbiker I'm not sure how someone voting with their wallet on their own principles is stupid nor can I understand why you would feel the need laugh at someone for doing so. That makes about as much sense as people that berate other gamers for enjoying games that they may not be so fond of.
I'm laughing because at the bottom of the article there is a list of related news stories. One of them just happens to be "EA won't be named Worst company of America this year."
I can understand where you're coming from but I have to disagree. If you can negate the wonderment of a game simply by looking at a couple of trailers and interviews then how much substance can that game possible have? I would say games with yearly releases are more of a detriment than marketing. When a game releases in such frequency what sort of wonderment can a gamer get from that???
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