PyroPice's forum posts
...... I have been playing multi non stop since release.....It is without a doubt the most fun I have had with a game in many many years, i honestly havent touched the cmapaign, so I cannot say GOTY one way or the other, it is one of my favorite games of all time, because it expanded on what I loveed about gears 1 (the multi) and streamlined the entire expierence. 1,2,3,5 people searching is close to instant, for some reason though do not try and join games with a party of four, the game doesnt like that......
I dont see hwo peoeple are tlaking about fallout 3 as GOY, THAT is Garabage, it will most liekly be GTA4 (because its multi console) as opposed to metal gear though
darn i already made a post :p But yes this is extreamly annoying.
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