I was told that metroid has an oline/muliplayer cappability. but when i actually got the game, there was no online game. Can anyone tell me if you have to unlock it or something or if the guy that told me this is a huge lyer just trying to steal my money.
i got a wii for my b-day and it was really fun and all but after the first week it was boring as hell. But the wierd thing is i dont know why. So can anyone give me a good reason.
i love to play xbox and nintendo ds online because of the gameing expirience that you have with the headset and chat ability. Sadly enough though i dont have either (i play them at my friend's house) i have the WII, so does anyone know if nintendo is coming out with a headset for the WII?
would definetly say super smash bros. and mortal combat that are both coming out for wii and i think that super smqash bros. is a multiplayer(online) game.
I wouldn't. I played the game and its nothing too new. The graphics suck, you have a limmited amout of wepons and magic, and you can't unlock a dang thing.
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