I don't get it. How can they enforce this? How can they know that the person playing is actually under 16? I don't know anyone under 16 on the internet who actually uses his real age for games subs etc.... And I'm sure there ways around it, proxies etc.
CoD as an e-sport is a joke. Last time I checked, e-sports require a game to actually be hard and require skill to play. CoD has the lowest skill ceiling in any multiplayer game.
I had my hopes up, but it has been confirmed to be your typical theme-park MMORPG with everything instanced, but with some GW2 elements mixed in there. It's TES only in name.
Why would they use CoD to plan attacks? It's hitscan and doesn't even have balistics! If you folks over at Al Qaeda are reading, you need to do it right and use Arma.
Videogames. You are supossed to PLAY them. They are videoGAMES. About PLAYING a game. The story, the graphics, everything is there to support the GAMEPLAY. If I want a story, I will read a book, or watch a movie or an anime.
''Innovation is what fuels the industry.''. Yet, this site gave the new CoD copy paste job an 8.5. Didn;t see an editorial on the review of that though.
2700k? 16 gigs of ram? Really? At least you should have clarified that the 2700k and those 16 gigs are TOTALLY OVERKILL plus that you don't actually need a 570 to run most modern games much better than consoles.
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