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PlayStation 3 Accessories - Buyer's Guide

With the release of PlayStation 3 many of the third-party hardware companies (e.g. Mad Catz) have all jumped on the band wagon to bring you low cost extras and essentials that do the job, but don't last as long as you wantthem to. Third-parties are good but most don't provide the long lasting quality and functionality you get with the first-party brands (Microsoft, Nintendo, Sony). With that in mind I thought I'd draw up a short buyer's guide for the Official PlayStation 3 accessories.

SIXAXIS Wireless Controller

Release date (Europe/North America): 23 March 2007 / 17 November 2006

Manufacturer's description: The SIXAXIS Wireless Controller for PLAYSTATION 3 employs a high-precision, motion sensitive, six axis system, which detects natural hand movements for intuitive real-time interactive play. With the adoption of Bluetooth wireless technology, the SIXAXIS Wireless Controller allows up to 7 players to play at the same time, without attaching any other external devices. In addition, by simply inserting a USB cable into the Wireless Controller (from the PLAYSTATION 3), users can seamlessly switch from wireless to wired connection and automatically charge its battery while the Wireless Controller is in use. When fully charged, the Wireless Controller's battery life lasts up to 30 hours before recharging is necessary.

RRP: UK£34.99 / US$49.99

Where to buy: Amazon.com/ Amazon.co.uk/ BestBuy.com / Play.com

Blu-ray Disc Remote Control

Release date: 23 March 2007 / 17 November 2006

Manufacturer's description: Designed exclusively for use with the PLAYSTATION 3 system, this remote control uses Bluetooth wireless communication to operate the playback of Blu-ray Discs and other types of disc media* (such as DVD or CD) on PLAYSTATION 3. Sit back, relax and enjoy watching your favourite High Definition BD movies with PLAYSTATION 3 and the Blu-ray Disc Remote Control. * Certain limitations apply.

RRP: £17.99 / $24.99

Where to buy: Amazon.com / Amazon.co.uk / BestBuy.com / Play.com

Memory Card Adaptor

Release date: 25 May 2007 / 17 November 2006

Manufacturer's description: With the PLAYSTATION 3 memory card adaptor, game save information from PlayStation and PlayStation 2 Memory Cards can now be transferred onto the PLAYSTATION 3 hard-disk drive. This allows players to access all of their old games without starting over, keep earned scores and items, and continue where they left off on their PlayStation and PlayStation 2 games.

RRP: £12.99 /$14.99

Where to buy: Amazon.com / Amazon.co.uk / BestBuy.com / Play.com / Game.co.uk

HDMI Cable

Release date: 23 March 2007 / 17 November 2006

Manufacturer's description: The HDMI Cable (3 metres) links your High Definition (HD) television* to digital devices such as PLAYSTATION 3 for high definition video and clear, crisp audio clarity. The HDMI Cable supports all Standard (SD) and High Definition (HD) video resolutions up to a staggering 1080p, and transmits audio from stereo to 8-channel digital surround sound. * Refer to your television instruction manual to see if your TV supports HDMI connection.

RRP: £17.99 / $59.99

Where to buy: Amazon.com / Amazon.co.uk / BestBuy.com / Play.com / Gamestation.co.uk


Product notes:

Spring Update?

The coming Summer is looking really good from this side of the fence. I just wanted to give you all (namely those who actually read my blog, LOL!) a quick update.

With all of the fantastic games (Lair, Ratchet & Clank 5, Halo 3...) and films (Spider-Man 3, Priates 3, Shrek 3, Rush Hour 3, The Simpsons Movie...) coming out this Summer I think it would be a good time to have a bit of a 'media bash'. In short I just like to throw a whole load of videos, magazine scans and the like up for all of you to view.

What do you think that ay'?

I will mainly focus on games, but films, TV shows or music now and again would be most welcome too.

Well that pretty much it. I look forward to putting things up for the community soon.


Those of you who are enjoying 'The Good, the Bad & the Queen's  will be pleased to known that the 3rd single, 'Green Fields', was released on 2/4/07. While it didn't win critical acclaim in the single charts it has managed a world first by being the first single release to be offered in full 320k MP3 format (no DRM), and at no extra cost want so ever. On top of that the whole album is now being offered with the same high quality MP3 format. 'Brilliant'!

The latest single from 'The Good, the Bad & the Queen'

FORMATS:-                                                                                                                                                                                    7" R6738
1. Green Fields
2. England, Summer (in black & white) Dog House

7" RS6738
1. Green Fields
2. England, Summer (in black & white) Polling Day

Enhanced CD                                                                                                                                                                     1. Green Fields
2. England, Summer (in black & white) Polling Day
3. Green Fields" (original demo)
4. Kingdom of Doom" (video)

If you haven't heard any of their music why not give it a try here (I want to have direct link but the embedding would work for some reason. Plus i don't really know how).

Herculean - a wonderfully deep and melow song from the album: http://www.thegoodthebadandthequeen.com/index.php?cat=4&ID=23

History Song - the album intro, always start with a big entrance: http://www.thegoodthebadandthequeen.com/index.php?cat=4&ID=108

It's Here!

Finally, after months of waiting PlayStation 3 has arrived here in the UK!

PlayStation 3

I can't wait to see what great, new experiences we'll see on the PS3. For now enjoy all the launch madness UK fans.

Happy gaming to all!  

The Good, the Bad and the Queen

'The Good, the Bad, and the Queen' is the self-titled debut album from the collaborative efforts of Damon Albarn, Pual Simonon, Simon Tong, Tony Allen. The album was released today on the 22nd January 2007.

The Good, the Bad and the Queen (album) - Standard CD / UK Ltd Edition CD+DVD / 12 Vinyl 

Track Listings:

  1. History Song
  2. 80's Life
  3. Northern Whale
  4. Kingdom of Doom
  5. Herculean
  6. Behind the Sun
  7. The Bunting Song
  8. Nature Springs
  9. A Soldier's Tale
  10. Three Changes
  11. Green Fields
  12. The Good, the Bad and the Queen

If your into Soul, Jazz, or Alternative music this is definitely something I think you should check out!


That's all for now folks, 'We'll let it flow away...'

Merry Christmas and a happy New Year to you all!

Hey everyone,

Just wanted to wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a happy New Year!

I hope you all get the games and consoles your wishing for this Christmas. Have a great time with your family and friends.

I'll see you all next year.


Rise of the Lectern

I was hoping not to write too much for this month's blog (cough). Well, um... obviously that went out the window.

MP3 (Music)

Hi everyone just thought I'd round up the last bits of Gorillaz information before the end of the year. I got 'Phase Two: Slowboat To Hades' a little while ago and its absolutely fantastic! Promo videos, live performances, interviews, indents, trailers and more. Slowboat' is just brimming with the stuff. An excellent DVD to end this epic 'Phase'. I highly recommend it!

In addition to this Gorillaz autobiography, 'Rise of the Ogre' has finally revealed the true behind the El Mañana video: It's was staged and Noodle (the Japanese girl) is still alive!!! Aside from this the whole book is an amazing romp through the world of Gorillaz. The albums, the breakdowns, the romances, the- (OK I better stop before this gets weird! LOL!). But it’s truly a great read, with new art for Jamie Hewlett that is unmatched and some accounts from the band that truly are laugh-out-loud!

Finally I don't think the band is splitting as a 'Gorillaz movie' and 'Phase Three' have now been confirmed. That’s great news for the fans and the band. The only bad news really is that it could be some wait before the movie comes out! O well, bring it on...

Gorillaz - Phase Two: Slowboat To Hades


Over in this Universe...

I’ve just finished watching the 5th series of Spooks and what a series it's been this year! The best yet in my opinion. Adam and Ros trapped in drowning peril at the end (with a cliff-hanger as usually). Bring on Series 6! Torchwood's started on BBC THREE. Not bad, I hope they keep up that standard and have a quality season finale. And at last, Hustle - Season 3 is finally coming to DVD on Feb 2007! It’s high-class series about a talented group of con artists. With cons sharper than 'Ocean's Eleven' (no joke, I love that movie), great writing and characters, Hustle is one of the best TV dramas of recent years.

Hustle is has been growing in popularity over in the US. It's shown regularly on AMC. If you live in the States I recommend you check it out. Here's the TV.com page: http://www.tv.com/hustle/show/21390/summary.html and the AMC Hustle site: http://www.hustle.amctv.com/

Hustle - Season One on DVD. Available now from Amazon.com/Amazon.co.uk, also check out seasons two and three.


PlayStation 3 not coming to Europe until March 2007... nuf said.

In the mean time PSP is rockin'! With Killzone: Libertion, Ridge Racer 2 and whole host of old games this is the one thing keeping me play (games wise).

Other Stuff...

I don't even know why I gave this its own section. Just to let you know, the masters of vinyl models, Kidrobot have recently released the latest set of Gorillaz figures. These are a limited run so get your hands on them quick, they’re gonna sell out like lightning. Go the official site to see more. http://www.kidrobot.com/

The new 'Phase Two' Gorillaz figures. Left: Two-Tone edition, Right: White edition, Bottom: CMYK edition

 Thanks for viewing my blog! Talk to you soon

Phase Two is nearly over

Phase Two is nearly over for Gorillaz. It's been a fantastic 2 years (3 if your a fan!) ever since the re-opening of www.Gorillaz.com and Reject False Icons.

Gorillaz returned to massive acclaim with 'Feel Good Inc.' in May 2005. In the same month 'Demon Days was released, topping the charts at #1 in the UK! 7 million copies, 3 hit-singles and several live shows later and we've reached the end... for now.

After the El Mañana video things have been looking bleak for Gorillaz. Talk of a split, then no new album at all! I just hope this is a build up to the most elaborate musical return ever (maybe in 7-10 years?).  It's all well and good then that Gorillaz are ending this Phase with a BANG!

Gorillaz autobiography, 'Rise of the Ogre' will be released 26th Oct 2006 in the UK and on 2nd Nov 2006 for the US. The book details the full story of Gorillaz, from their formation to their return and the first meaning full news about the movie!

And on top of this Gorillaz new DVD, 'Phase Two: Slowboat To Hades' will be released on 31st Oct 2006. 'Slowboat to Hades rounds up the incredible Demon Days era documents for the first time and captures them in digital formaldehyde; from the award-winning videos and hi-tech performances to their inventive animated shorts, acceptance speeches and more.'

On lighter news, Damon's new band 'The Good, the Bad and the Queen' will be premiering live for the first time at the 'Camden Roundhouse' on the 26.10.06. The band's first single is called 'Herculean' (30.10.06), with their self-titled debut album being released early next year. Definitely an act to watch out for, this one.

Well there you have it. Phase Two might be ending, but the party is far from over. Now go pre-order 'Rise of the Ogre'!


E3 and all the rest...

GameSpot Blog

Finally aftar what seemed like forever I've played (and completed) 'Daxter'! It rocks, I can see myself still replaying it many times this year.

E3 2006 is looking to be very, very exciting. I'm particularly interested in hearing about an official price  and full release date for the PS3. Also some clear info on wether the Hard Drive will be included. 

Next on my list of E3 hits is Ratchet & Clank. It will be great to see how both the PSP version is shaping up. Hopefully during the R:FoM previews/demos Insomniac will slip something in about the PS3 version!

Looking at little closer to home it's great to see that a Command & Conquer Union has been started! This was thanks to jhotmman so big props for him man. If your thinking of joining come straight on in: Command & Conquer Union.

MP3 Blog

Gorillaz is big on the planet R-Force right now, especially with the release of Kids With Guns/El Mañana single. The Demon Days album is about the only thing getting me through my coursework right now! So rock on Gorillaz.

TV Blog

Hustle Series 3 finished it time for Doctor Who Series Two!!!! (loud cheer). David Tennant is definately continuing the Time Lords adventures in a wonderful refreshing style. Billie Piper's role as the Doctor's spunky assistant Rose just keeps improving. I can't wait for the return of the Cybermen! So, grab that popcorn and get behind the sofa, the Time Lord is back!


Blog 101

It's been a whole year since I join Gamespot and I haven't even started my blog yet! Well I figured now was as good a time as any. I can't wait for Daxter to come out in the UK. While just two more weeks to go I can almost feel the bubble wrapped packaging of my per-ordered UMD! Well it all starts here, tune in next time for more.

Next issue: Coming Soon...

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