Honestly this was one of the only games i have seen during E3 so far that literally blew my mind the fact that you controll everything around? I must say it seems pretty solid from the trailer...but i won't make any assumptions until its closer to release.
I have been a halo fan since release of CE and many of my fine gaming memories spawn from halo. As much excitement i have for this game, i also have alil bit of hesitance toward the fact that these new enemies look alil bogus they look like the enemies in Metroid Prime? Not saying anthing toward gameplay cause it looked pretty solid and everything else seemed toward the halo style im glad they are adding new stuff but im alil "IFFY?" i guess i will just have to wait and see?
I can agree with you on God of War it just didn't look like anything new i hit fast forward through most of it. But seriously Last of Us looks promising i may pick up a PS3 just for that! And Watch_Dogs? Are you kidding that game looks SICK! Don't tell me you weren't impressed!! But i agree there was alot of violence and gore what more do you want from a video game seriously, if there wasn't any im sure you would say it was BORING bc there was not slaughtering? IDK how game companies can please ppl like you! Go pick up a G rated game or E rated game if you cant deal with shotgun blasts to the face :p
I really enjoyed dead island the storyline was alil wack but chopping zombies was really fun, and there was definitely hints at a sequel but hopefully they add alil more depth to it if it even happens
All these ideas seem great and all but you fail to realize how many people don't even have xbox live? I mean honestly i didn't have it for the longest time because no high speed internet in our area. So all these amazing things you speak of for xbox live that are not a MUST when alot of people don't even use it? And I love my kinect and think thats a great idea but making EVERY system have a kinect at launch? Not needed and besides they first need to focus on the xbox being a powerhouse of gaming glory not a social addicts dream...I have my cell phone and laptop for that!
RAD_TRBO's comments