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RCS_sportz Blog

Uhm, do worms go there? No they do not. Now get out of my way..

"Uhm, do worms go there? No they do not. No get out of my way and let me go kick some dragon-lovin' @$$." -Kelsey

Wanna here a funny story? No? to bad. :D

Okay, so the Friday before Thanksgiving break (we had a whole week off), my mom (she's a 2nd grade teacher at my shcool) and my friend Alyssa's mom (a 6th grade teacher at my school) were cleaning up in my Science cl@ssroom. Don't know why exactly, but that doesn't matter. :P They found this note, and it had this written on it:

..."I know, she's so annoying. I wish *insert dragon name here* would burn her to death!"

"Definately, she seriously deserves it. She's such a prep, I have an idea!"


"We should put worms in her gym bag, then at PE we can hear her scream and get all mad and mybe cry!"

"Haha, I love it! Kelsey's going to get what she deserves!"

:? Freaks right?

I showed to my friend Christian, and he said he saw these girls Deena and Caitlynne passing it in 7th period. Alyssa, Kelsey, and I took it to our English teacher, and she compared it to their papers because she likes us. :D

Anyway, it was theirs, and Kelsey showed it to her mom, who just happens to be the principal of the high school. :D Her mom said that there wasn't much she could do about it, since they didn't actually say they were going to hurt Kelsey. :(

Kelsey: "I haven't said two words to them the whole year! Why do they not like me!"

Me: "They're just jealous of your beatuifullness-ness."

Kelsey: "Yeah, that's what mommy said."

Me: "Just ignore them."

Kelsey: "Ha. That's funny. Do worms go there *points to gym bag*? No they do not. Now get out of my way Lu, I'm gonna go kick some dragon-lovin' @$$."

Me: "It's 5:30, everyone's gone but you, me, and Geoff."

Kelsey: "Crap."

So a week goes by, and on Monday there was some dirt in Kelsey's locker and she wouldn't open her gym bag. :P Then me and Chara had the idea to surprise Kelsey by putting gummy worms in her bag. :D She got all excited when she found them, but that's when the drama started. :| Bekka, who's known for her mouth but is still our friend, goes "REAL friends put gummy worms in bags, not stupid real worms!!! And REAL people don't worship dragons!!!" Kelsey is cracking up. Deena says some stuff like back off, blah blah blah, I don't know exactly what she said because I wasn't really listening, but it was enough to get Sydney pissed.

Sydney:"Do you WANT to get slapped!?"

Deena: "Bring it on!"

Sydney takes one of those threatening steps foward, and Deena cowers back. :lol:

That's basically it. :D No one got in trouble for it, but Kelsey's mom said she was going to keep an "eye" on them. :P:D

Hey, if you like Supernatural you should check out this new site:

It's by gcmest24. :)

Bye, have a good night. :D

New Blog/Leadership

Whoa, it's been like a month since I've blogged. :P Anyway, on The 4th-6th of November I went to this Leadership Conference thing in Tennessee with my school! :P We weren't supposed to take electronics (laptops, ipods, other suff...) but we didn't know until we were there. So I was on the whole time before we had to do "light's out" :P And of course I forgot a camera. :roll:

It was something to bond different schools together, and bond your school too, and to get a closer relationship with God. I got to know some pretty cool people from my school which I never normally talk too. That's pretty sad actually, considering there are 600 kids in the whole school, and 150 in the high school. But we all bonded there, and it was really cold. This senior (Anthony :D) picked me up over his shoulder and walked right on into the lake with me still there. :( I was freezing to say the least. And another thing, the sinks were in a different room than the bathroom How weird is that? :roll: The dorms were cool though, as cool as dorms can be anyway... :| There were a lot of activities to do there, and during free time we got to go on the "rides" they had. :D One was "the screamer," it was like a giant swing really high up in the air. There was also this pole thing, I guess like a telephone pole, that you climbed up and then just jumped off. :P Jump AWAY from the pole. :| And of course a rock climbing wall. :D

The Screamer

Of course, I didn't take that picture because I didn't have a camera. I found it on some website, and it looks kind of like the screamer, so what the heck right? :P

Side note thing: On the way back,on the 6 hour bus ride, we came up with something. If you add "if you know what I mean" to any sentence, you can make it sound perverted. :P

Bye guys, have a good night. :D

My friends are clutzes

Hi. :D

So today I was watching my friend Courtney's field hockey game, and she tripped. Right as the other girl was swinging her stick. It hit her in the face and she has to get stitches. The funny thing was she started laughing. :P

Friday at school, my friend Kelsey was racing my little brother up and down the halls after school (don't ask) and she tripped and flew down all 10 stairs. She started laughing too, but she sprained her ankle. :lol:

Saturday I was at Kelsey's house, and she tripped and fell down her stairs at her house. She's not really good at walking on crutches, and her dog was running down the steps and hit her leggs....:P

They're both okay though. :)


Heroes tonight! :D

Bye guys. :D

Stupid Woman.

Hi peoples. :D :)

I hope everybody's been good lately. Could you please pray for my dad, he's had some heart trouble. :(

Anyway, onto the stupid woman. Okay so I was at the carwash for my Volleyball team today, and I was washing this woman's car, and she starts mouthing off to me. "You're not doing it right!" "You missed that over their!" "Blah blah blah!" "Blah blah...blah...BLAAAH!?" :roll: I was tempted to turn around and spray the hose at her or through the soapy water in her face, but I didn't. :D Wash your own dang car next time lady.

Some cute little pics.

See ya. ;)

Fall 2007 Season Premeire Chats

For those of you who didn't know, is having more chats. :)

Here are they are:

Prison Break x

Premiere: Mon, Sept. 17, 8:00 PM
Chat: Tues, Sept 18, 3:00 PM PT


Premiere: Mon, Sept. 24, 9:00 PM
Chat: Tues, Sept 25, 3:00 PM PT


Premiere: Thurs, Sept. 27, 9:00 PM
Chat: Fri, Sept 28, 1:00 PM PT

Grey's Anatomy

Premiere: Thurs, Sept. 27, 9:00 PM
Chat: Fri, Sept 28, 3:00 PM PT


Premiere: Thurs, Sept. 27, 8:00 PM
Chat: Fri, Sept 28, 5:00 PM PT

This is the icon you get. :D

This user participated in one of our Fall 2007 Premiere Chats!

Here's where you can find the chats in a proper list.

Have fun chatting. :D

(The Prison Break chat is already over, obviously.)

Since I've been gone....

Hello, all. :D I missed everybody. :( I was having lots of computer problems, but they're all better now.

Wow, a lot happened to me while I was gone. First, on Wednesday I was outside with my cousin and she got stung by a black wasp. That was one of the most horrible things I've ever experienced, and I don't wish to see anything like that again. :| Second, the Friday before last my friend Megan's nephew died. He was cutting the grass on a riding lawn mower and it flipped over and the blade slit his throat. The funeral was really sad, and he was only 11. Third when I was babysitting my baby sister she fell off a chair and got a huge scrape all the way down her arm. My mother wasn't pleased. Then the next day she was playing with one of those plastic toys and it popped up and hit her in the face. She gother firstbloody nose. :roll: Lastly, I tripped over said plastic toy and broke my big toe.:x

Today was my birthday (:D) and it's also my friend Haylie's birthday. We're now officially 14. :D Anyway I got a laptop, 2nd season of Supernatural and the 3rd season of Heroes. Now you can see why my computer problems have stopped. :D I hope I can get more active on the forums now. :)

sugar/stolen quiz

I stolethis quiz from Laurie :D and she stole it from someone else. :P Enjoy.:)

1. Your name with a y on the end? Lucy? :?

2. Two feelings at the moment? bored and hyper

3. What are you listening to right now? the quiteness of being alone :D

4. A part of a song lyric that's in your mind? For the first time in forever I can't think of any song in my head. :(

5. Describe where you are right now? Sitting in a chair, in front of a computer, with my hands on the keyboard.

6. The highlight of your week? Staying home today. :D

7. What are you wanting right now? a drink, I'm kinda thirsty.

8. Who was the last person you went out to eat with? my friends Hannah, Haylie, and Geoff.

9. What are you scared of? Spiders. I don't like them they're creepy.

10. Last Movie you watched? With who? Saw II with my brother

11. Are you thinking of someone right now? my cousin in Ohio

12. Britney Spears is a skank. Agree or disagree? She needs to get her head outta the clouds and take care of her kids.

13. What is the last thing you downloaded onto your computer? the latest Itunes thing

16. Who was the last person you visited in the hospital? My oldest brother when he fell down some stairs. :P

18. Name a friend whose name starts with "L"? Lacey.

19. Do you have to work tomorrow? I don't work. :D

20. Do you have a crush on a girl? No.

21. How many houses have you lived in? 2.

22. For or against same sex marriage? I don't really care.

23. Last friend you talked to online? Amber

24. Who was the last person to text message you? my friend Chara

25. What did it say? "He's wierd." :P

26. Where was the last place you went besides your house? Target

27. Has anyone ever said you looked like a celebrity? No.

28. Do you speak any other language other than English? Spanish a little

29. If you were working on a pirate ship, what would you say the most? Yo-ho :D

30. Last thing you watched on TV?The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air :P

Are you..

1. A cuddler? Yes

2. A morning person? It depends on if it's the weekend or a school day.

3. Are you a perfectionist? no.

5. Religious? yes.

6. In your pajamas? No.

7. Left handed? No.


1. The weather is? warm and breezy, it's kind of nice.

2. Was today better than yesterday? no. it's pretty much the same.

3. Today is: Monday.

4. Got any plans? Not today, I have to do homework :(


1. Number? 87

2. Color? Pink and Blue

3. Season? Fall


1. Missing? My friend that moved away

2. Needing? more sugar :D

3. Wanting? A laptop :o


I didn't know Grr could do DDR :P

I made it through the first week! Barely. The school part is fine, and the people, but PE is horrible. It's officially been renamed (by us) to boot camp. All we do is push ups, lunges, sit ups, pull ups, all that crap, every day. It's okay though. :D

The only thing that's really different about 9th grade is I have tons more projects to do. :P


If I were a dinosaur...mwuahahaha

:D :twisted:

This is my last day before school. :x We had something like a "meet the teachers" thing yesterday, and they talked about their c.l.a.s.s.e.s. I got confused. :| I missed one of my c.l.a.s.s.e.s, and the schedule got all messed up. :P There's a lot of new people, and I'm at the bottom of the freakin' food chain again. :x Seriously though, one 12th grader looks like she eats little kids. :? It's okay though. I'll live, hopefully. :D


People are like slinkies...

I'm bored (again) so I'm gonna do a video blog. :D

Smallville ~ a cool fan-made Lana trailer ~ goes from Clana to Clois, with Daughtry's song "Over You"

Heroes ~ the newest season 2 trailer ~ Nathan and Peter video

Supernatural ~ about John and Sam's relationship ~ A tribute to Mary Winchester
