I am not a fan of the FPP, but I will give CDPR the benefit of the doubt on this one. They earned that from me with the Witcher series. Generally I prefer RPG style games to be TPP for the aesthetic and cosmetic side of the game, but ultimately if the game play is good and the story is good, I don't care what perspective it is in.
@ronaldmcreagan: If I remember correctly, the last DOOM to come out ran flawlessly on my PC from the get-go. Hopefully this one is as optimized as the last one was, because it ran amazingly.
Invasions sound extremely fun, but if they only apply to the campaign, how long can you really enjoy those? I could play through the campaign maybe once or twice, but then I would be done with it. At some point everyone will be done with the campaign and invasions won't really happen anymore. Even with additional campaign maps, it would only last for a small amount of time before people were done playing it. I would expect most of the campaign/invasion stuff to be dwindling within a month or so of release, when people completed it or moved on to multiplayer.
They would need to introduce some new game mode to keep people playing and keep invasions fun. Like randomly generated maps with randomly generated enemies, allowing invasions at the same time. Possibly with rewards to keep it fun. Just something to keep people playing it. With no additional customs maps anymore, they would need something more than a few additional maps every few months or so.
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