First, let me just explain my position. If you were to ask any hermit, any cow, or any sheep here what they think I would be, they would call me a lemming.
Now, as to why Gears sucks:
Well, it doesn't really. It's a good game. But it truly is overrated. If you take away the pretty graphics; the pure, visceral imagery, you don't have much of a wonderful game. Granted, high production values do contribute to a game's merits, but the game play is somewhat lacking.
Let's take into account the single player. There ultimately is a lack of story. Get co ordinates, trigger the light bomb, that's about it. The aching twist in the plot? (DON'T READ THIS BIT IF YOU DON'T WANT THE STORY SPOILED. JUST MOVE ONTO THE NEXT PARAGRAPH FORUMITES) The plot twist was the plan to get the coordinates didn't work the first time. So if the story is not story-driven, then one must assume it was character driven? Again, there was nothing there. Now Marcus Fenix, Dom, Baird and Cole are likeable characters at least, but they have no character development whatsoever, just like how the end of the story goes nowhere. It was like Halo 2 all over again.
Oh, and why have the biggest climax halfway through the campaign in the "Angry Titan" chapter? RAAM seemed like an anti climax compared to that behemoth.
Don't get me wrong, it was a rush, and still is a rush playing some parts: the Berserkers are one of the most adrenaline pumping enemies to ever be conceived. But then the question that was bugging me was why did the Sergeant call those things in a feminine term? How are the Berserkers implemented in the overall Locust army? Oh, and before I forget, RAAM too wasn't even developed. He just looked like a retexture of a Locust. He wasn't given any importance.
Now, for the multiplayer. I think we can all come to terms as to why we affectionally nickname this game Glitches of War.
The Chainsaw glitch was fun for awhile. It got old after a week.
It's not uncommon for my brother to jump on a custom match on Annex, meet new random strangers as they exploit every singlebug in the game. Sometimes I wonder why none of those guys want to try ranked matches or at least play annex properly.
Bullet lag is a major problem. Yes, it's arguably askill to develop, but it's unintentional on Epic's part, and it's more about luck of internet connection than anything. And, most importantly, what's the point of a shooter when you're estimating a position of where the enemy will be rather than shooting him with precision and accuracy?
That's another thing. Shotgun wh0rez. You really don't need any sort of aiming skill for that thing. Point (perhaps estimate the position) and shoot. Rinse, repeat. The only things that require precision and accuracy are the sniper and the torque bow. They too, are also affected by bullet lag though. Forget about the assault rifle in multiplayer. And what happens if you suck at shotgun wh0ring and sniping? Annoy the hell out of people with grenade tagging. I'm no good at Gears of War, so it's surprising when I can rack up some kills just by grenade tags alone. And yeah, I get sh** for it.
It would seem to me, by the way I observe people playing the game, that Gears is starting to bore them. I've heard a few are just wasting time until the release of Halo 3.
And I may just presume everyone else is doing the same when they're trying to reach unattainable areas on Gridlock.
Well, I appreciate your response. At least you've played the game and are not just a blind fanboy.
The story - I think people were expecting too much from the story and, thus, were let-down by what it was. Personally, I really liked the story (though it had some plot holes) and I REALLY liked the interaction between the characters. Each one had their own personality, quirks, and quotes. It reminded me of a great action flick like Predator or Aliens. The main character seemed real, not someone with superpowers, but a real soldier thrown into this warn-torn conflict.
Glitches of War it is - or should I say was. Besides an occasional person leaving a map or an occasional crabwalker, I really haven't been glitched since the last update. Still, despite the glitches, the game still played well.
Bullet lag - yes, this is the bane of Gears. Terrible decision by Epic to go with Host Side Hit Detection to determine kills - especially with a game that has so much close-up action. But, knowing that this lag exists, one adapts and leads their shots slightly. Because of this, a higher level of skill is required in order to land shots consistently. I'm not saying that I like the bullet lag, I'm just saying that because of it, the best players often rise to the top.
Given that, yes, there are elements in the game that are n00b-ish. Grenade tagging leads the list. Personally, I don't mind it one bit. Its in the game. It can be dealt with or countered. And, it is a way for people new to the game to contribute to the team.
Yes, shotgun wh0res are pretty bad sometimes, but there are ways to counter a pack of 4 shotgunners - it just requires more team coordination.
To me, the two biggest gripes against Gears multiplayer are: the Host Advantage and the lack of a Clan system. I don't mind the bullet lag - it can be dealt with. Its the fact that there is 1 player in the match that doesn't have to deal with the lag, thus, giving that 1 player a distinct advantage over the others in the match that is wrong. Epic has countered this by splattering blood on the screen of the host as they get shot, but it is really minor compared to the advantage that the host receives in a match. The lack of a Clan system is inexcusable in this day and age. Epic failed on this one.
Despite these things, Gears still tops any other shooter out there and will continue to dominate my time spent gaming long after Halo 3 and other arrive...
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