RErikku12 / Member

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RErikku12 Blog

Magician Lord

I have finally made it to level 16! Time for a party! Anyway the X-Play Union is doing great! I have had about 20 new recruits since then but I need more people to post new stuff. I refuse to be a failure with this.

X-Play Union

I have changed my Union to the X-Play Union. It honors the G4 show X-play and even if you don't like the show or don't know it, you can still come in and talk about any game you want. I am also going to start our own rating thread and really get the Union going. This change has helped alot. People started joining instantly. I still need more people to join and everything so spread the word!

Silver Arrow

The other day I had a silver arrow where it shows my mail and stuff. I have no idea what it means. Does anyone else know what it means? I really wish I did. Anyway, getting really good at photoshop! :D


I have made it to level 15! I am super excited! I am also getting really good at photoshop, although I am still no good at all at renders. I wish Gamespot was a little more active then it is. I liked it in the summer when you had something new to post about even in the smaller Unions. It was great! I has just kinda died a bit. I hope it builds back up real soon. Also, I am now taking sig requests so if you want one then just tell me.


Alright so I have been expirementing with Photoshop trying to get the hang of it with a little help from CrimsonHead. I was wondering what you all think of my banner and any of my sigs that you have seen.

New Computer

I have gotten alot of new things latly!! I am now level 14 Ring King with over 3000 posts. I have also just become officer of the Legend of Zelda Union! Thanks Nuck and the other officers! That makes me officer of 4 Unions Leader of 1. I have also just gotten a new computer which I plan to install tonight. This computer will allow me to easily run photoshop and everything else I need to get my sig making going.


So guess who is getting Photoshop...ME! Yes I cant wait! It shall be here in about a week. I am super phyched! I will no longer have to go to CrimsonHead for all my requests, I can just ask myself! On another note I have made it to level 13 and have broken 3000 posts. I should be alot higher but due to my 6 month absense, it was kinda hard to keep up! But anyway I cant wait to get photoshop and make pictures of Rikku all day long!

My Return?

I haven't really had alot of time for gamespot latly. Although I have been missing it alot. I soon hope to return once I am not so busy and can't wait untill I do. I am really far behind but o well. Let's pray that I have more time.

Rad Racer!

I am now at the next level Rad Racer! Yes! I can't wait till I am level 13 an until my post count is in the 3000s...almost there! I am also working on becoming an officer of yet another Union but I will leave that out of the public untill I get it or dont get it! Join the Dino Crisis Union! It is doing great!

The Birth of a Union!

My Dino Crisis Union was formed and is florishing well!! Thanks to all who have helped me. I am also proud to say that I am now an officer of 3 great Union! The Resident Evil,Harry Potter, and Final Fantasy Thieves Union! Join the Dino Crisis Union!!
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