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RHam_01 Blog

Top 5 Changes

The 5 changes i'd really like are:

1) The white background and light grey lettering. It's really hard on the eyes. Some of the things like what an episode is rated is not visible at all.

2) The limit of 4 blogs to a page.

3) The new ratings meter. It really irritates the hell out of me. I can't rate episodes accurately anymore.

4) There are some kinks in the drop down menus. If you want to visit the episodes of the latest season sometimes the page won't load even with repeated tries.

5) There are loads of kinks in the forums. Things like the quote button doesn't work at all at times and is full of errors. And there have been several instances of the full quote not showing if you are using quick quotes and my reply comes in between the quote.

Site redesign

This is my first blog since the redesign.. mostly because I couldn't find the damn new blog button.. :P

I'm still getting used to the redesign and one of the reasons its bugging me is that off late I have grown very busy with work and I now have to use my limited time online trying to familiarilze myself to the site once again.

But I guess with time i'll grow used to it.

By the way.. the episodes rating thingy.. i can only rate it in intervals of 0.5 now... This is bugging the crap out of me. I now have to rate an episode either 9 or 9.5.. i can't rate it 9.1 or 9.3. Is there any way around this? I noticed a couple of other people not having this problem so I was wondering if there was a solution.

The forums too have a lot of bugs. I hope they get around to fixing it soon.

New season takes off with a bang.

I dunno about you guys.. but I thought the season has taken off with a bang. Both House and Smallville had great season premieres. Well... House not as much.. but it was still pretty decent.

Smallville really surprised me. I wasn't expecting such a good episode. Now i'm even more excited about the rest of the season.

I had planned to review every episode this season. I have tried to do this before but it has never happened. This year I plan to follow through.

With this in mind I have already reviewed Odyssey.

I'm getting used to the new TV.com slowly... the white still irritates me and the quoting in the forums and the buttons moving around still irritates me. But I figure i'll get used to it in time.

I'm wondering if Submission has changed a lot.

So.. how did you guys like the start to the season? Were the premieres to the shows you watch any good?

Regular Hangouts

I was just wondering today about which forums most of you guys frequent most.

I spend most of my time on the Smallville forums. But I keep visiting the SGA, House, JLA, Superman and Heroes forums.

What about you guys?

The Caped Crusader.

I have heard rumors that the title of the next Batman movie is - The Caped Crusader.

Further rumors are that Johnny Depp has been considered for the role of the Riddler and Phillip Seymour Hoffman was being considered for The Penguin.

Now here's the big shocker. There were talks about casting the 62 year old Cher as Catwoman.

Apparently she is Nolan's first choice for Catwoman as he wants to portray the character as an aging femme fatale.

Finally, filming of the new The Caped Crusader is slated to begin in Vancouver early next year! That could mean a possible release date of 2010.

Right now these sound more like rumors than facts because I also saw an article today about Nolan having not yet accepted the third Batman film... but either way we'll find out soon if they are facts or rumors. For now it's something interesting to chew on.

I personally think they should go with Angelina Jolie as Catwoman.

News on Brisingr

I recently found out that the third book in the Inheritance series - Brisingr - will release on September 20.

This has me very excited as i've followed the series with a lot of enthusiasm so far. I saw the covers of the book and I loved them.

Check it out here: http://childrensbooks.about.com/od/whatsnewhot/ss/brisingr.htm

I couldn't resist checking out some official spoilers on www.alagaesia.com and it all sounds very promising.

Do any of you guys follow the series? Besides the HP series it's the only other series I was actively following.

Man of Steel wishlist

Now that the Batman movie is out and super successful they will probably think seriously of the next Superman movie. To be honest i'm a little apprehensive about this. Ever since I saw The Dark Knight it became the new benchmark for Superhero films for me and seeing as Superman is my favorite superhero I definately want to see a film somewhat as good.

I was wondering what criteria would be needed to make a really awesome sequel to Superman Returns.

For one Bryan Singer would have to go. He is a decent director but he's obviously not a big comic fan. The whole thing with Superman's kid is something that just left a sour taste in my mouth.

In the sequel they should wrap up that angle really quickly. Another movie where he is pining half the time over Lois Lane is a big no-no. A love triangle of Clark-Lois-Richard is a bigger no-no.

They should definately replace Bosworth and get a better actress to play Lois.

What I would like to see for once in a Superman film is him being Super. So many times the films only focus on his brawn and forget that he is also an incredibly intelligent man. Also, Superman is a symbol. I'd like that to come across in the film as beautifully as it did in the latest Batman film.

Maybe this film they could have Lex Luthor causing problems on a personal front seeing as he knows Jason is Supermans son while there is another Supervillain like Brainiac or Metallo or heck.. even Doomsday occupying his attention too. That way he is taxed to the max of his abilities. I have always seen that when Superman is crushed down it is when he always comes fighting back with his best. His endurance and strength of will should be seen.

This is some of the things on my wishlist.. what do you guys think? What would you like from the next Superman movie?

New level :D

Its amazing how long it took me to hit lvl 9.. but considering the kind of slacking off i've done the past few months it was probably quicker than i could have reasonably expected. :D

Live free or Die Hard

I saw the latest Die Hard movie recently, and while it didn't have a great plot and isn't an Oscar winner by far, it was great fun.

To be honest it is highly possible that I only enjoyed the movie because it made me so nostalgic... but whatever the reason I had fun.

Recently seeing films like Die Hard and Rocky Balboa and seeing old warhorses like Sly Stallone and Bruce Willis back in action was great fun. I spent many a lazy sunday in my youth lazing in front of the TV with either the Rocky, Lethal Weapon or Die Hard series playing. For sheer entertainment and when you don't want to have to think, they can't be matched. The latest Die Hard movie was as good as the earlier ones.

Nowdays thrillers and action movies are slick, have killer special effects and much more dangerous villains.

But sometimes you want to watch the Heroes destroy half of what they are trying to save, bumbling sidekicks and the constant oneupmanship with the villain. This film gave me that and I was happy.

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